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Rails:当不使用它返回的对象时,调用 ActionController::Parameters#permit() 会实现什么?

[英]Rails: What does calling ActionController::Parameters#permit() achieve when not using the object returned by it?

I understand that calling params.permit(:foo) creates a new ActionController::Parameters instance with :foo whitelisted so that you can instantiate a model with it. 我知道调用params.permit(:foo)会创建一个新的ActionController::Parameters实例,并将:foo列入白名单,以便您可以使用它实例化模型。 But why does the following code in the Discourse CMS call it without using its return value?但是为什么 Discourse CMS 中的以下代码调用它而不使用它的返回值呢?

discourse/app/controllers/drafts_controller.rb : Github discourse/app/controllers/drafts_controller.rbGithub上

class DraftsController < ApplicationController
  # [...]

  def index
    # [...]

    # [...]

    opts = {
        # [...]
        offset: params[:offset],
        limit: params[:limit]

    stream = Draft.stream(opts)

This does look confusing, I agree.这看起来确实令人困惑,我同意。

Judging from the implementation of #permit and the documentation of ActionController::Params , this can behave differently depending on the config action_on_unpermitted_parameters , which accepts :log and :raise as values and is nil by default.#permit的实现和ActionController::Params的文档来看,这可能会根据配置action_on_unpermitted_parameters不同表现不同,它接受:log:raise作为值,默认情况下nil

When action_on_unpermitted_parameters = nil :action_on_unpermitted_parameters = nil

Calling params.permit(:foo) will return a new ActionController::Parameters instance marked as permitted with just that key.调用params.permit(:foo)将返回一个新的ActionController::Parameters实例,该实例仅使用该键标记为允许。

If you're not using the return value, this call makes little sense as there's no side effect.如果您不使用返回值,则此调用没有任何意义,因为没有副作用。 The receiver is not mutated.接收器没有变异。

When action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :log :action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :log

This behaves the same as above, but has the side effect of logging all not permitted keys:这与上面的行为相同,但具有记录所有不允许的键的副作用:

irb> ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :log
=> :log
irb> params = ActionController::Parameters.new(username: 'john', offset: 5, bogus: 'foo')
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"username"=>"john", "offset"=>5, "bogus"=>"foo"} permitted: false>
irb> params.require(:username)
=> "john"
irb> params.permit(:offset)
Unpermitted parameters: :username, :bogus
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"offset"=>5} permitted: true>
irb> params.permit(:limit)
Unpermitted parameters: :username, :offset, :bogus
=> <ActionController::Parameters {} permitted: true>

As you can see, for each permit call, you'd get different logs.如您所见,对于每个permit调用,您会得到不同的日志。 Thus, this would only make sense if the code in that controller would include all permitted (and required) parameters:因此,这只有在该控制器中的代码包含所有允许(和必需)参数时才有意义:

irb> params.permit(:username, :offset, :limit)
Unpermitted parameter: :bogus
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"username"=>"john", "offset"=>5} permitted: true>

When action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise :action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise

The effect here is that it raises when the params contain keys that are not allowed.这里的效果是当参数包含不允许的键时它会引发。 Similar to :log , this also only would make sense when all permitted (and required) keys are specified::log类似,这也只有在指定了所有允许(和必需)的键时才有意义:

irb> ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
=> :raise
irb> params = ActionController::Parameters.new(username: 'john', offset: 5, bogus: 'foo')
=> <ActionController::Parameters {"username"=>"john", "offset"=>5, "bogus"=>"foo"} permitted: false>
irb> params.require(:username)
=> "john"
irb> params.permit(:offset)
Traceback (most recent call last):
        1: from (irb):19
ActionController::UnpermittedParameters (found unpermitted parameters: :username, :bogus)
irb> params.permit(:limit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
        2: from (irb):20
        1: from (irb):20:in `rescue in irb_binding'
ActionController::UnpermittedParameters (found unpermitted parameters: :username, :offset, :bogus)

Contrast that to including all keys:相比之下,包括所有键:

irb> params.permit(:username, :offset, :limit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
        2: from (irb):21
        1: from (irb):21:in `rescue in irb_binding'
ActionController::UnpermittedParameters (found unpermitted parameter: :bogus)

Having said that, I couldn't find any occurrence of action_on_unpermitted_parameters in Discourse's codebase.话虽如此,我在 Discourse 的代码库中找不到任何action_on_unpermitted_parameters Thus, the value is nil and therefore I conclude that #permit in that controller action has no effect in terms of functionality.因此,该值为nil ,因此我得出结论,该控制器操作中的#permit对功能没有影响。

It could be there as a convention serving as documentation where first all required parameters are listed and then all optional ones.它可以作为一个约定作为文档,首先列出所有必需的参数,然后列出所有可选的参数。

Digging deeper, these #permit calls were introduced in this commit when it was still a separate gem called strong_parameters .深入挖掘,这些#permit调用是在此提交中引入的,当时它仍然是一个名为strong_parameters的单独 gem。 The behavior of #permit in that gem was the same as today.该 gem 中#permit的行为与今天相同。 This makes me think that the author of that commit misunderstood the API of strong_parameters .这让我觉得那个提交的作者误解了strong_parameters的 API。

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