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Visual Studio 2019 和 VS 2017 无法发现测试

[英]Visual studio 2019 & VS 2017 not able to discover tests

I had everything working until a few days ago.直到几天前,我才一切正常。 After latest update of VS, VS is not able to discover tests. VS 最新更新后,VS 无法发现测试。 I have tried updating MSTest.TestFramework, MSTest.TestAdapter, Microsoft.Net.Test.sdk nuget pacakges as well but VS studio is still not able to discover the tests.我也尝试过更新 MSTest.TestFramework、MSTest.TestAdapter、Microsoft.Net.Test.sdk nuget pacakges,但 VS studio 仍然无法发现测试。

Warning : A testsettings file or a vsmdi file is not supported with the MSTest V2 Adapter.
[12/21/2019 11:19:36 AM Warning] No test matches the given testcase filter `FullyQualifiedName=Microsoft.ConvAI.FrontEnd.End2EndTests.ConvAIClientTests.VerifyBotGetsRecognitions` in D:\Git\Skyman\conversational-ai\src\Testing\Microsoft.ConvAI.FrontEnd.End2EndTests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\Microsoft.ConvAI.FrontEnd.End2EndTests.dll
[12/21/2019 11:19:36 AM Informational] ========== Run test finished: 0 run (0:00:07.7975681) ==========

Can someone please help me to fix this?有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?



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