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Apache2 反向代理到 nextcloud 服务器不起作用

[英]Apache2 reverse proxy to a nextcloud server does not work

I've made a Ubuntu 18.04 Reverse Proxy Server with Apache2 and it works.我已经用 Apache2 制作了一个 Ubuntu 18.04 反向代理服务器,它可以工作。 I can reverse proxy to another apache2 webserver with no problem.我可以毫无问题地反向代理到另一个 apache2 网络服务器。

But now I want to do the exact same thing to a nextcloud server but it does not work.但是现在我想对 nextcloud 服务器做完全相同的事情,但它不起作用。

My steps:我的步骤:

1) I copied the old configuration 1)我复制了旧配置
2) changed the external Domain and the internal IP Adress from the Server 2)从服务器更改了外部域和内部IP地址
3) now I restarted the apache2 server and it does not work 3)现在我重新启动了apache2服务器,但它不起作用

Nextcloud 反向代理配置

There is no error in the error.log file from apache. apache 的error.log 文件中没有错误。

Maybe there is an error on the nextcloud server but I don't know how to continue.可能 nextcloud 服务器上有错误,但我不知道如何继续。

Thanks Raphael谢谢拉斐尔

This is my working config for the Apache proxy pointing to the local Nextcloud in a Docker based instance:这是我在基于 Docker 的实例中指向本地 Nextcloud 的 Apache 代理的工作配置:

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ServerName cloud.myserver.local
ServerAlias cloud
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8000/

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