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使用 Mockito 如何确保在方法中抛出异常

[英]Using Mockito how to ensure that an exception was thrown in a method

I am using Mockit.我正在使用 Mockit。 I have a situation in which a method throws an exception, catches the exception and logs the exception (and without re-throwing).我有一个方法抛出异常,捕获异常并记录异常(并且不重新抛出)的情况​​。

Class Test {

       public void abc() {

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                  LOGGER.error("Exception thrown {} ", e);

      private void xyz() {
         // Can throw  exception 
         // which goes to the 
         // callee   

Now, for some scenarios xyz() can throw exception and which is caught in abc().现在,对于某些情况 xyz() 可以抛出异常并在 abc() 中捕获。 It is this scenario I want to test.这是我想测试的场景。 I can't use @Test(Expected=SomeException.class) as the exception is being caught and logged.我不能使用@Test(Expected=SomeException.class)因为正在捕获和记录异常。 However, my test case should look if this exception thrown.但是,我的测试用例应该查看是否抛出此异常。

I did search online, however didn't find anything relevant.我确实在网上搜索过,但没有找到任何相关内容。

Any pointer in how to approach would be helpful.任何有关如何接近的指示都会有所帮助。

I referred to this SO question , which seems similar , but isn't what I am looking for.我提到了这个 SO question ,它看起来很相似,但不是我要找的。

IMO, Basically you have two options: IMO,基本上你有两个选择:

  1. Mock the logger (do whatever you need for this - refactoring, powermock, etc) this was already described in comments.模拟记录器(做任何你需要的事情 - 重构、powermock 等)这已经在评论中描述了。 Other than stating (based on my personal experience ) that usually usage of PowerMock is discouraged I can't really add much to it.除了声明(根据我的个人经验)通常不鼓励使用 PowerMock 之外,我不能真正添加​​太多内容。

  2. Use a "creative" workaround: Add an artificial appender to the logger associated with the class programmatically from within the test.使用“创造性”的解决方法:在测试中以编程方式向与类关联的记录器添加人工附加器。 The appender is a "special" one that would store the logging event and will provide an access to it for verification: appender 是一个“特殊”的,它将存储日志事件并提供对它的访问以进行验证:

// pseudo code that might vary depending on the actual logging framework of your choice
class MyTestAppender extends Appender {
     private LoggingEvent evt = null;
     public void doAppend(LoggingEvent evt) {
       this.evt = evt; 
     public LoggingEvent getEvent() {
       return this.evt;

// in test:

void test() {
    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassUnderTest.class);
    MyTestAppender myTestAppender = new MyTestAppender();

    // now you can verify whether the event has been logged (and stored by the appender):

    LoggingEvent evt = myTestAppender.getEvent();
    assertNotNull(evt); // cool, something was really logged, lets see what:
    assertThat( // verify message, cause exception, whatever you want here

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