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Flutter CustomPaint,如何启用平移?

[英]Flutter CustomPaint, how to enable panning?

I am using Flutter's CustomPaint to draw a scatter plot the user can add points to by tapping.我正在使用 Flutter 的CustomPaint绘制一个散点图,用户可以通过点击向其添加点。 Since the whole chart cannot fit on a mobile screen, I want the user to be able to pan.由于整个图表无法适应移动屏幕,我希望用户能够平移。 How can I enable this?我怎样才能启用它? Currently, the chart is not panning, so I can only see a section of it.目前,图表没有平移,所以我只能看到它的一部分。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class Draw extends StatefulWidget {

  String eventName;


  _DrawState createState() => _DrawState();

class _DrawState extends State<Draw> {
  List<Offset> points = List();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: GestureDetector(
        child: CustomPaint(
          size: Size.infinite,
          painter: DrawingPainter(),

class DrawingPainter extends CustomPainter {


  Paint tickSettings = Paint()
    ..strokeCap = (Platform.isAndroid) ? StrokeCap.butt : StrokeCap.round
    ..isAntiAlias = true
    ..color = Colors.grey
    ..strokeWidth = 5.0;

  static double axisXCoord = 60;
  static double axisHt = 1000;
  var ticks = List<Offset>.generate(10, (i) => Offset(axisXCoord, i * (axisHt / 10) + 30));

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, ticks, tickSettings);

  bool shouldRepaint(DrawingPainter oldDelegate) => true;

(Note, I also saw Google's Flutter Charts library, but my understanding is that interactivity is limited to a few things like selecting existing points on the chart.) (注意,我也看到了 Google 的Flutter Charts库,但我的理解是交互性仅限于选择图表上的现有点等一些事情。)


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