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[英]How to convert Future<List> to List in flutter?

I am using a plugin for flutter called search_widget .我正在使用一个名为search_widget颤振插件。 The data parameter of this widget takes a list.此小部件的数据参数采用列表。 But as I use sqlite for fetching data, I have it in Future<List> form.但是当我使用sqlite获取数据时,我将它以Future<List>形式存在。 Is there any way I can convert Future<List> to List ?有什么办法可以将Future<List>转换为List吗? Or any other way to get this working.或者任何其他方式来让这个工作。

List list = await _fetchList();


Future<List> _fetchList() {...}

Using await keyword will wait for Future to get completed and once your Future is executed it's result will be returned to you.使用await关键字将等待 Future 完成,一旦你的 Future 被执行,它的结果将返回给你。

import 'dart:async';

void main() async {
  Future<List> _futureOfList = _getList();
  List list = await _futureOfList ;
  print(list); // will print [1, 2, 3, 4] on console.

Future<List>  _getList(){
  return Future.value([1,2,3,4]);

for this to work, the method where you are calling should be async为此,您调用的方法应该是async

I hope this helps, in case of any doubt please comment.我希望这会有所帮助,如有任何疑问,请发表评论。

Borrowing the example from search_widget you need dataList in a widget like this:借用search_widget的示例,您需要像这样的小部件中的dataList

   dataList: list,
   textFieldBuilder: (TextEditingController controller, FocusNode focusNode) {
     return MyTextField(controller, focusNode);

Sure, you can convert Future<List> into List like other answers suggest.当然,您可以像其他答案建议的那样将Future<List>转换为List But you won't be able to do dataList: await _sqliteCall();但是你不能dataList: await _sqliteCall(); because build methods are designed to be pure and sychronous.因为build方法被设计为纯粹的和同步的。

While the Future completes you will have to return something like a progress indicator.当 Future 完成时,您将不得不返回诸如进度指示器之类的东西。 For that you can use a FutureBuilder :为此,您可以使用FutureBuilder

  future: _sqliteCall(),
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      return SearchWidget<LeaderBoard>(
        dataList: snapshot.data,
        textFieldBuilder: (TextEditingController controller, FocusNode focusNode) {
          return MyTextField(controller, focusNode);
    return CircularProgressIndicator();

Of course this can also be done with a StatefulWidget , you can checkthis article for a detailed explanation of the issue .当然,这也可以通过StatefulWidget来完成,您可以查看这篇文章以获取对该问题的详细说明

assuming this is ur returning function dataList() which is Futur :假设这是你的返回函数 dataList() ,它是 Futur :

 List yourlist = new List();
          setState(() => yourlist.add(resultat); 

Thats how I have solved the problem...我就是这样解决问题的...

Initial version:初始版本:

  List<Product> getAll() {
    List<Product> _listProducts;
    Future<List<Product>> listFuture;
    listFuture = _repo.getAll();
    listFuture.then((value) {
      if (value != null) value.forEach((item) => _listProducts.add(item));
    return _listProducts == null ? [] : _listProducts;

Cleaned up/final version:清理/最终版本:

  List<Product> getAll() {
    List<Product> _listProducts;
    _repo.getAll().then((value) {
      if (value != null) value.forEach((item) => _listProducts.add(item));
    return _listProducts == null ? [] : _listProducts;
 List<Future<dynamic>> _selectedItems = List<Future<dynamic>>();
    List<dynamic> listofimg = [];
                                    _selectedItems.forEach((element) {
                                      element.then((value) => listofimg.add(value));

You should call value on {} of then as below:您应该在 {} of then 上调用 value ,如下所示:

onPressed: () {
 _apiService.getProductList().then((result) {
    for   (var item in result){

        builder: (context) => nhaphangle(
            username: username, dshangle: dshangle, dssanpham: _dsSanpham)),);

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