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我可以在远程服务器 (Docker) 中使用共享的 jhipster-registry 和 uaa 并且开发人员将其作为服务连接到它吗?

[英]Can I use a shared jhipster-registry and uaa in a remote server (Docker) and developers connect to it as a service?

In a development team, we are working on a jhipster microservice project with Uaa, Jh-registry, mic 1, mic 2 and gateway.在一个开发团队中,我们正在与 Uaa、Jh-registry、mic 1、mic 2 和 gateway 一起开发 jhipster 微服务项目。

The question here is it possible to deploy shared Uaa and Jh-registry in a remote server using Docker and other developers on either mic 1 and mic 2 use them as a service?这里的问题是是否可以使用 Docker 在远程服务器中部署共享的 Uaa 和 Jh 注册表,麦克风 1 和麦克风 2 上的其他开发人员将它们用作服务?

If the answer is yes, is there any config or inspiration sample available?如果答案是肯定的,是否有可用的配置或灵感示例?

The answer is yes and there's very little to do, just edit the src/main/resources/config/bootstrap.yml file of your gateway, uaa and microservices so that they point to the registry url for config:答案是肯定的,而且几乎没有什么可做的,只需编辑网关、uaa 和微服务的src/main/resources/config/bootstrap.yml文件,以便它们指向用于配置的注册表 URL:

      fail-fast: false # if not in "prod" profile, do not force to use Spring Cloud Config
      uri: http://admin:${jhipster.registry.password}@my-registry.example.com:8761/config

And then for Eureka server url, edit application*.yml in applications and registry to change defaultZone然后对于 Eureka 服务器 url,在应用程序和注册表中编辑application*.yml以更改defaultZone

      defaultZone: http://admin:${jhipster.registry.password}@my-registry.example.com:8761/eureka/

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