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[英]Retain Cycle in closure

I try to implement some variant of Coordinator pattern, but I face problem with retain cycle in closure.我尝试实现 Coordinator 模式的一些变体,但我在关闭时遇到了保留循环的问题。 It looks like that:它看起来像这样:

func goTo() {
    let coord = SecondViewCoordinator(nav: navigationController)
    coord.deinitIfNeeded = { [weak self] in
        guard let self = self else { return }

As you can see I set deinitIfNeeded and then, if in SecondViewCoordinator call deinitIfNeeded?() controller pops correctly, but reference to SecondViewCoordinator is still exist even though childCoordinators array is empty.如您所见,我设置了deinitIfNeeded ,然后,如果在SecondViewCoordinator调用deinitIfNeeded?()控制器正确弹出,但即使childCoordinators数组为空,对SecondViewCoordinator引用仍然存在。

My Coordinator class looks like that:我的 Coordinator 类看起来像这样:

class Coordinator {

    weak var navigationController: UINavigationController?
    var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []
    var deinitIfNeeded: (() -> ())?

    init(nav: UINavigationController?) {
        self.navigationController = nav

    func add(_ coordinator: Coordinator) {

    func free(_ coordinator: Coordinator) {
        childCoordinators = childCoordinators.filter({ $0 !== coordinator })

memory graph presents this:内存图显示了这个:


any ideas?有任何想法吗?


coord.deinitIfNeeded = { [weak self] in
    guard let self = self else { return }

You are holding a strong reference to coord inside the closure.您在闭包内持有对coord的强引用。 Try something like this;尝试这样的事情;

coord.deinitIfNeeded = { [weak self, weak coord] in
    guard let self = self, let coord = coord else { return }

The memory graph is giving a hint that this is the case (the right side says the strong reference is in a closure).内存图暗示了这种情况(右侧表示强引用在闭包中)。

You could also set coord.deinitIfNeeded to nil inside the closure.您还可以在闭包内将coord.deinitIfNeeded设置为nil

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