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[英]PHP How to count the number of items in JSON results but not the total number the number of specific results?

Im sure this has been asked a 1000x but for some reason I cant find an answer that explains it in a way that I can understand and get to work properly.我确定这已被问到 1000 倍,但由于某种原因,我找不到以我可以理解并正常工作的方式解释它的答案。 Im having trouble expressing the question Im trying to get answered, so I appreciate your help if you can help.我无法表达我试图回答的问题,所以如果你能提供帮助,我很感激你的帮助。

I want to:我想要:

Count the number of countries represented in an API query of an array of IP addresses.计算 IP 地址数组的 API 查询中表示的国家/地区数量。

I can:我可以:

Query the API and get a result for each IP address that includes the country.查询 API 并获取包含国家/地区的每个 IP 地址的结果。

I cant:我不能:

Figure out how to count how many of a specific country is represented in the API results.弄清楚如何计算 API 结果中代表特定国家/地区的数量。 For example, Id like to get an output like "United States: 25" or "Mexico: 7"例如,我想得到类似“美国:25”或“墨西哥:7”的输出

I have:我有:

An array of IP address一组IP地址
An array of countries names一组国家名称

$ip = array(array of ip addresses);
$countries = array(array of countries);

foreach ($ip as $address) {

// Initialize CURL:
$ch = curl_init('http://api.ipstack.com/'.$address.'?access_key='.$access_key.'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Store the data:
$json = curl_exec($ch);

// Decode JSON response:
$api_result = json_decode($json, true);

# the api result for country name, a list of countries one for each ip address
$country_name = $api_result['country_name'];
echo $country_name . '<br />';

# how do i find out how many of those results are "United States"?


It's not entirely clear what the JSON coming from the API looks like in your question so I can only give you a general answer loosely based on the idea that the API returns a list of countries with each request.不完全清楚来自 API 的 JSON 在您的问题中是什么样子的,因此我只能根据 API 返回每个请求的国家/地区列表这一想法,粗略地给您一个一般性的答案。

       First initialize an empty array of countries to keep track of how many
       times each country appears. This means the key is the country name and the value
       is an integer that will be incremented each time we see it in the API result
    $countries = [];

    // Next get the result from your API let's assume it's an array in $apiResult['countries']
    foreach ($apiResult['countries'] as $country) {
        if (isset($countries[$country])) { // we've already seen it at least once before
            $countries[$country]++; // increment it by 1
        } else { // we've never seen it so let's set it to 1 (first time we've seen it)
            $countries[$country] = 1; // Set it to 1

       Do this in a loop for every API result and in the end $countries
       should have what you want

    array(2) {
      ["United States"]=>


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