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[英]C# XmlDocument.LoadXml And Wildcards

I have an asp.net application and I'm using C#. 我有一个asp.net应用程序,正在使用C#。 I want to use the XmlDocument.LoadXml() method to read from an .xml file. 我想使用XmlDocument.LoadXml()方法从.xml文件读取。 However, the xml file will not always have the same name so I wanted to pass into the LoadXml() method the path to the file and then read any .xml files that are inside. 但是,该xml文件不会总是具有相同的名称,因此我想将文件的路径传递给LoadXml()方法,然后读取其中的任何.xml文件。 So, something like this LoadXml(C:\\Docs*.xml). 因此,类似这样的LoadXml(C:\\ Docs * .xml)。 It doesn't work for me. 它对我不起作用。 Is there another way I can accomplish this? 我还有另一种方法可以做到这一点吗?

You need to separate out the "loading XML from a file" from "picking which file to load". 您需要从“选择要加载的文件”中分离出“从文件加载XML”。 The two are unrelated concepts. 两者是不相关的概念。 (Although I would point out that XmlDocument.LoadXml takes raw XML as a string, not a filename. I think you want XmlDocument.Load .) (尽管我会指出XmlDocument.LoadXml将原始XML作为字符串而不是文件名。我认为您需要XmlDocument.Load 。)

What do you want to happen if there's more than one XML document in c:\\Docs ? 如果c:\\Docs有多个XML文档,您想怎么办? XmlDocument can only load one of them. XmlDocument只能加载其中之一。

Use Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\\Docs", "*.xml") to get the list of matching files in the directory. 使用Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\\Docs", "*.xml")获取目录中匹配文件的列表。 What you should do if there's more than one of them (or none) is up to you. 如果其中一个(或以上)不止一个,该怎么办取决于您。

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