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如何使用junit 5订购测试

[英]How to order tests using junit 5

I'm Created some automation test in java , using appium and junit 5. I'm trying to Order my test with @Order annotation before each test.我在 java 中创建了一些自动化测试,使用 appium 和 junit 5。我试图在每次测试之前使用@Order注释对我的测试进行@Order And before test class I'm using @TestMethodOrder(MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation.class) .在测试课程之前,我正在使用@TestMethodOrder(MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation.class)

But it still not ordered.但它仍然没有订购。 Below the code you can see attachment with tests order.在代码下方,您可以看到带有测试顺序的附件。 Based on what it looks like, it doesn't make any order right now.根据它的样子,它现在不会下任何订单。

Maven dependencies: Maven 依赖项:

        <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-api -->


Class with tests:带测试的类:

package Tests;

import AppiumBase.BaseTestClass;
import Components.DrawerNavigation;
import Components.RenewPolicy;
import Utils.CustomAnotations.Attributes;
import Utils.CustomScreenAction;
import com.sun.org.glassfish.gmbal.Description;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;

import static Utils.CustomAnotations.Attributes.TEXT_VIEW;

@DisplayName("Renew policy functionality")
public class RenewPolicyTest extends BaseTestClass {

    private WebDriverWait wait;
    private DrawerNavigation drawerNavigation;
    private RenewPolicy renewPolicy;
    private CustomScreenAction csa;

    void executeBeforeEachTestInThisClass() {
        wait = new WebDriverWait(driver(), 10);
        drawerNavigation = new DrawerNavigation(driver());
        renewPolicy = new RenewPolicy(driver());
        csa = new CustomScreenAction();

    void executeAfterEachTestInThisClass() {
        wait = null;
        drawerNavigation = null;
        renewPolicy = null;

    @DisplayName("Check renew policy button")
    @Description("Verify that the renew policy button appear on main screen")
    void isButtonAppear() {

    @DisplayName("Check renew policy screen is opens")
    @Description("Verify that the renew policy button on MAIN SCREEN is clickable and right screen is opens")
    void isRenewPolicyScreenAppear() {

    @DisplayName("Check renew policy screen opens from side menu")
    @Description("Verify that the renew policy button on DRAWER NAVIGATION is clickable and right screen is opens")
    void isRenewPolicyScreenOpenOnClickButtonFromDN() {

    @DisplayName("Check checkbox")
    @Description("Check that the checkbox is checkable")
    void isCheckBoxCheckable() {
        if (renewPolicy.isRenewPolicyScreenOpens()) {
            CustomScreenAction csa = new CustomScreenAction();
            csa.scrollToElement(TEXT_VIEW, "לשינויים אפשר לפנות למוקד");

    @DisplayName("Check confirm and pay button - disabled")
    @Description("Verify that the button is disabled while checkbox not checked")
    void isButtonDisabled() {
        if (renewPolicy.isRenewPolicyScreenOpens()) {
            csa.scrollToElement(TEXT_VIEW, "מאשר תשלום וחידוש פוליסה");
        if (renewPolicy.isConfirmAndRenewPolicyButtonDisplay()) {

    @DisplayName("Check confirm and pay button - enabled")
    @Description("Verify that the button is enabled while checkbox checked")
    void isButtonEnabled() {
        if (renewPolicy.isRenewPolicyScreenOpens()) {
            csa.scrollToElement(TEXT_VIEW, "מאשר תשלום וחידוש פוליסה");
        if (renewPolicy.isConfirmAndRenewPolicyButtonDisplay()) {

Output:输出: 在此处输入图片说明

Your import is wrong, replace import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;你的导入有误,替换import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order; with import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;

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