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[英]Advance Custom Field slider is not working

I'm using advance custom field plugin to create a slide.我正在使用高级自定义字段插件来创建幻灯片。 But the output is display like this.但是输出是这样显示的。

Slider preview now:现在滑块预览: 在此处输入图片说明

Here is my code.这是我的代码。


<?php if( have_rows('slides') ): ?>
<div class="flexslider">
    <ul class="slides">
        <?php while( have_rows('slides') ): the_row(); 
            $image = get_sub_field('image');
            $imageurl = $image['sizes']['slider'];
        <li><img src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>"></li>            
        <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>


$(window).on('load',function() {
    animation: "slide"

Is also tried of using也尝试使用

$(window).load(function() {
    animation: "slide"

and it didn't worked.它没有用。

Can someone give a solution for this.有人可以为此提供解决方案。

Please add jquery.flexslider-min.js and flexslider.css请添加jquery.flexslider-min.jsflexslider.css

After include above files then your slider will work properly.包含上述文件后,您的滑块将正常工作。

Also make sure you have include "jquery" and then add slider js还要确保包含"jquery" ,然后添加滑块 js

example here: codepen这里的例子: codepen

ADD JS and CSS to Your theme and enqueue it, yourtheme will be name of your theme将 JS 和 CSS 添加到您的主题并将其加入队列,您的主题将成为您的主题名称

if (!is_admin()) {
    // jQuery (optional loading via Google CDN)
    wp_register_script('jquery', ('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js'), false);  
    // Flexslider JS
    wp_enqueue_script('flexslider', '/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js', null, 2, false);   
    // Flexslider CSS
    wp_enqueue_style( 'flexslider', '/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/css/flexslider.css', null, null, null);

Found a solution.找到了解决办法。 But I forgot to update.但是忘记更新了。

<div class="wrap">
            <div class="cont">
            <?php if( get_field('slider_1') ): ?>
            <div class="slide" style="background-image:url('<?php the_field('slider_1'); ?>');"></div>
              <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( get_field('slider_2') ): ?>
             <div class="slide"style="background-image:url('<?php the_field('slider_2'); ?>');"></div>
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( get_field('slider_3') ): ?>
             <div class="slide"style="background-image:url('<?php the_field('slider_3'); ?>');"></div>
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if( get_field('slider_4') ): ?>
             <div class="slide"style="background-image:url('<?php the_field('slider_4'); ?>');"></div>
            <?php endif; ?>
                <div id="nav" style="font-size:16px;" class="pull-right">

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