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如何从数据库 Firestore 存储经纬度

[英]How to store lat and long from database Firestore

I am try to store Latitude and Longitude from Database FireStore , so it can be retrieved and use for leaflets to display markers on map .我尝试从 Database FireStore 存储纬度和经度,因此可以检索它并用于传单以在地图上显示标记。

Firebase Service Class Firebase 服务类

export interface PostionsAddress {
  id?: string,
  name: string,
  notes: string,

  providedIn: 'root'
export class PostionServiceService {

  private ideas: Observable<PostionsAddress[]>;
  private ideaCollection: AngularFirestoreCollection<PostionsAddress>;

  constructor(private afs: AngularFirestore) {
    this.ideaCollection = this.afs.collection<PostionsAddress>('Locations');
    this.ideas = this.ideaCollection.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map(actions => {
        return actions.map(a => {
          const data = a.payload.doc.data();
          const id = a.payload.doc.id;
          return { id, ...data };

  getIdeas(): Observable<PostionsAddress[]> {
    return this.ideas;


Here is code for Home page class这是主页类的代码

export class HomePage {

  private $location: Observable<PostionsAddress[]>;

  map: Map;

  constructor(public auth: AngularFireAuth,private locationservice:PostionServiceService) {  }

  ionViewDidEnter() { this.loadmap(); }

  loadmap() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.map = new Map('map').setView([33.3152, 44.3661], 10);

      tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {


        return a.map(a=>{
          let Icon = L.icon({
            iconUrl: 'assets/marker-icon.png',
          L.marker([a.lat,a.lng], {
            icon: Icon

    }, 100);


The problem is , According my code above in home page class , the markers are not showing on map and there is not error shows in console log .问题是,根据我上面在主页类中的代码,标记没有显示在地图上,并且控制台日志中没有错误显示。 Any idea please why markers are not showing on map according to my code above ?知道为什么标记没有根据我上面的代码显示在地图上吗?

Finally i have fixed my problem for why markers are not showing on map !最后我解决了为什么标记没有显示在地图上的问题! . .

After save data into firestore database , l created getAllMarkers method in Firebase Service Class to retrieving the data markers collection from database , whereas the getAllMarkers() would return all the markers (as an observable).将数据保存到 firestore 数据库后,我在Firebase Service Class创建了getAllMarkers方法以从数据库检索数据标记集合,而getAllMarkers()将返回所有标记(作为可观察对象)。

  getAllMarkers() {
    return this.afs.collection("Locations").valueChanges();

home.ts file home.ts 文件

 loadmap() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.map = new Map('map').setView([33.3152, 44.3661], 10);

      tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {


     ---------- HERE-----------

      this.locationservice.getAllMarkers().subscribe((markers: any) => {
        markers.forEach(singlemarker => {

          let Icon = L.icon({
            iconUrl: 'assets/marker-icon.png',
          L.marker([singlemarker.lat, singlemarker.lng], {
            icon: Icon
          console.log(singlemarker.lat, singlemarker.lng)

    }, 100);

Now l have all markers on map现在我在地图上有所有标记

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