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[英]Python change pytest tests format for print

I'm looking to change the way that pytest prints tests results to the screen.我希望改变 pytest 将测试结果打印到屏幕的方式。

This is my code:这是我的代码:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('equation, result',
                         [('4-3', True), ('3*(50+2)', True)])
def test_check_somethingv2(equation, result):
    assert equation_validation.check_string_validity(equation) == result

Right now, when I use "pytest -v -s" in the terminal, the output looks like this:现在,当我在终端中使用“pytest -v -s”时,输出如下所示:

> test_calculator.py::test_check_somethingv2[4-3-True] PASSED

I want the output to look like this:我希望输出看起来像这样:

> test_calculator.py::test_check_somethingv2[4-3: True] PASSED

I know that I can use "ids=['4~3: True',...]" to set it manually for each of the tests, but since I'll be working with many tests, I was hoping there is an easier way than that to do it.我知道我可以使用 "ids=['4~3: True',...]" 为每个测试手动设置它,但由于我将处理许多测试,我希望有一个比这更简单的方法来做到这一点。

Also, is there an options to get an output like this?另外,是否有获得这样的输出的选项?

>  test_check_somethingv2[4-3: True] PASSED

One way is to write a wrapper around pytest.param , for example:一种方法是围绕pytest.param编写一个包装器,例如:

def eqparam(eq, result):
    return pytest.param(eq, result, id=f'{eq}: {result}')

@pytest.mark.parametrize('equation, result',
                         [eqparam('4-3', True), eqparam('3*(50+2)', True)])
def test_check_somethingv2(equation, result):
    assert equation_validation.check_string_validity(equation) == result

This results in the following:这导致以下结果:

$ pytest --collect-only t.py
============================== test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.3.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/asottile/workspace/pygments-pre-commit
collected 2 items                                                               
<Module t.py>
  <Function test_check_somethingv2[4-3: True]>
  <Function test_check_somethingv2[3*(50+2): True]>

============================= no tests ran in 0.01s =============================

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