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将 C# 中的 Javascript Keydown 事件添加到文本框

[英]Add Javascript Keydown event from C# to a textbox

I'm building a set of text boxes from asp.net repeater and trying to add a key down event from C# code to those text boxes to prevent user from entering a specific character ( comma(,) ).我正在从 asp.net repeater 构建一组文本框,并尝试将 C# 代码中的按键事件添加到这些文本框中,以防止用户输入特定字符( comma(,) )。 I can't use the text box id itself in Javascript because its built dynamically with diff id's.我不能在 Javascript 中使用文本框 id 本身,因为它是用 diff id 动态构建的。 Now I have no idea how to pass the e object to the textbox's keydown event from C#.现在我不知道如何将e对象从 C# 传递给文本框的 keydown 事件。

Any suggestion is much appreciated.任何建议都非常感谢。

Code Snippet :代码片段:

 TextBox txtTextField = e.Item.FindControl("txtAns_1") as TextBox;
 txtTextField.Attributes.Add("keydown", "PreventChars(" + txtTextField +")");

Javascript Javascript

   function PreventChars(e) {

            var k = String.fromCharCode(e.which);

            if (k.match(/,/g))


use ClientID使用客户端ID

ClientID returns The control ID for HTML markup that is generated by ASP.NET. ClientID 返回由 ASP.NET 生成的 HTML 标记的控件 ID。

Change Code Snippet to:将代码片段更改为:

TextBox txtTextField = e.Item.FindControl("txtAns_1") as TextBox;
txtTextField.Attributes.Add("keydown", "PreventChars(" + txtTextField.ClientID +")");

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