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使用 OpenLayers 的图像访问权限问题

[英]Image access permission issue using OpenLayers

I am having a problem loading an image using the OpenLayers library.我在使用 OpenLayers 库加载图像时遇到问题。 I am trying to load an image that is stored on the device dynamically.我正在尝试加载动态存储在设备上的图像。 If I declare the options manually everything works as expected.如果我手动声明选项,一切都会按预期工作。 If I try to load the image through path using file://... I get the following error:如果我尝试使用file://...通过路径加载图像file://...我收到以下错误:

Not allowed to load local resource: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png不允许加载本地资源:file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png

To resolve this error I used the Ionic Web View path converter: window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc() .为了解决这个错误,我使用了Ionic Web 视图路径转换器: window.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc()

But this gives me another error, now related to CORS, considering that the access method now uses HTTP GET, which I quite don't understand since I trying to load a local image and not a remote one:但这给了我另一个错误,现在与 CORS 相关,考虑到访问方法现在使用 HTTP GET,我很不明白,因为我试图加载本地图像而不是远程图像:

Access to image at ' http://localhost/_app_file_/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png ' from origin ' http://localhost:8100 ' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.从源' http://localhost访问' http://localhost/_app_file_/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png '上的图像: 8100 ' 已被 CORS 策略阻止:请求的资源上不存在“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”标头。 GET http://localhost/_app_file_/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png net::ERR_FAILED获取http://localhost/_app_file_/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/files/projects/1/layers/volume.png net::ERR_FAILED

If I include the file in the assets folder and try to upload it, everything works as expected, but it's not how I want it to work.如果我将文件包含在资产文件夹中并尝试上传它,一切都会按预期工作,但这不是我想要的工作方式。

Working code (manually configured):工作代码(手动配置):

let layerImage = new ImageLayer({
    source: new Static({
        url: 'assets/layers/volume.png',
        crossOrigin: '',
        projection: 'EPSG:31982',
        imageExtent: layerExtent
    name: "layerImage",
    visible: true,

Not working code (dinamically configured inside a for loop):不工作的代码(在 for 循环中动态配置):

let filePath = this.win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(this.file.externalDataDirectory + 'projects/' + this.projectId + '/layers/' + filename);
let layerImage = new ImageLayer({
    source: new Static({
        url: filePath,
        crossOrigin: '',
        projection: 'EPSG:31982',
        imageExtent: layerExtent
    name: "layerImage",
    visible: true,

I saw in some related questions that this can be caused by debugging with Chrome, but the same problem happens if I not use it.我在一些相关的问题中看到这可能是由 Chrome 调试引起的,但如果我不使用它也会出现同样的问题。

you can use url paramater as a function, maybe that helps.您可以将 url 参数用作函数,也许会有所帮助。

const convertFileSrc = this.win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc;
let layerImage = new ImageLayer({
    source: new Static({
        url: (extent) => {
            return convertFileSrc(this.file.externalDataDirectory + 'projects/' + this.projectId + '/layers/' + filename);
        crossOrigin: '',
        projection: 'EPSG:31982',
        imageExtent: layerExtent
    name: "layerImage",
    visible: true,

As per @Mike comment, the problem is solved if I remove the crossOrigin: '' option from Static .根据@Mike 的评论,如果我从Static删除crossOrigin: ''选项,问题就解决了。

let layerImage = new ImageLayer({
    source: new Static({
        url: filePath,
        projection: 'EPSG:31982',
        imageExtent: layerExtent
    name: "layerImage",
    visible: true,

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