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[英]How to run mono in the same thread, inside parallel flux

I'm trying to fill objects inside Flux with values from Mono.我正在尝试用 Mono 中的值填充 Flux 中的对象。 When i'm trying to do so, it's just ignoring my "set" operation.当我尝试这样做时,它只是忽略了我的“设置”操作。 I assume that it's because Flux is working in parallel, while Mono is not.我认为这是因为 Flux 是并行工作的,而 Mono 不是。 How can i solve this problem?我怎么解决这个问题?

            .filter(proxy -> proxy.getCorrupted() == null || !proxy.getCorrupted())
            .subscribe(proxy -> {
                        try {
                            RestTemplate restTemplate = getProxiedTemplate(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                            restTemplate.exchange(URI, HttpMethod.GET, HttpEntity.EMPTY, String.class);
                            geoDataService.getData(proxy.getHost()) // Here comes the Mono object, that contains needed value to set into "proxy"
                                    .subscribe(geoData ->
                                        log.info("GEODATA: {} ", geoData);
                                        proxy.setCountryCode(geoData.getCountryCode()); // ignored somehow
                            log.info("IP {}:{} is OK", proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                            log.info("Final result: {}", proxy.toString());
                        } catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
                            log.info("IP {}:{} is corrupted!", proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                    throwable -> log.error(String.format("Exception caught while trying to fill map: %s", throwable.getCause())));


Here's some logs这是一些日志

As you can see i'm trying to set country code into proxy.如您所见,我正在尝试将国家/地区代码设置为代理。

Solved.解决了。 Added that Mono object in "flatMap" operator.在“flatMap”操作符中添加了 Mono 对象。 Example:例子:

            .filter(poxy -> !valueExist(addresses.values(), poxy))
            .flatMap(geoDataService::getData) // Now it runs in parallel threads
            .subscribe(proxy -> {
                        try {
                            RestTemplate restTemplate = getProxiedTemplate(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                            restTemplate.exchange(URI, HttpMethod.GET, HttpEntity.EMPTY, String.class);
                            addresses.put(proxy.getCountryCode(), proxy);
                            log.info("IP {}:{} is OK", proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                            log.info("Final result: {}", proxy.toString());
                        } catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
                            log.info("IP {}:{} is corrupted!", proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
                            addresses.put(proxy.getCountryCode(), proxy);
                    throwable -> log.error(String.format("Exception caught while trying to fill map: %s", throwable.getCause())));

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