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如何防止在 iframe src 上自动下载 doc/docx/pdf 文件

[英]How to prevent auto download of doc/docx/pdf file on iframe src

I want to build a blurred preview of the document.我想构建文档的模糊预览。 The document is uploaded to the same domain.文档上传到同一个域。 The document can be doc/docx/pdf .该文档可以是doc/docx/pdf I tried so many workarounds with iframe , embed , object .我用iframeembedobject尝试了很多变通方法。

<iframe src="URL" title="Embedded Document" style="width:100%; height:500px; border: none;"></iframe>

<iframe src="URL#toolbar=0" title="Embedded Document" style="width:100%; height:500px; border: none;"></iframe>

<embed src="URL">

<object data="URL"></object>

But nothing achieve my requirement.但没有什么能达到我的要求。

TASK: I want to show a preview of the document on the web page which can not be downloadable.任务:我想在无法下载的网页上显示文档的预览。 Above workarounds, auto-downloads the doc/docx file when I refresh the web page.上述解决方法,当我刷新网页时自动下载 doc/docx 文件。 I want a blurred preview of the document like here: https://essaybatch.com/how-would-you-convene-and-run-your-meetings-if-you-are-based-in-the-united-states/ and the file shouldn't be auto-downloaded.我想要像这里这样的文档的模糊预览: https : //essaybatch.com/how-would-you-convene-and-run-your-meetings-if-you-are-based-in-the-united-states /并且不应自动下载该文件。

This requirement is strongly stated by the client, so I can't avoid the feature.客户强烈要求此要求,因此我无法避免该功能。 You're able to use HTML,CSS,JS,PHP.您可以使用 HTML、CSS、JS、PHP。

Here's how I would implement it:这是我将如何实现它:

  1. Use a PHP library to take a screenshot of the document and save it as an image.使用 PHP 库截取文档的屏幕截图并将其保存为图像。 In the iframe source, you should include that image and blur it using CSS.在 iframe 源中,您应该包含该图像并使用 CSS 对其进行模糊处理。 Do not include the link to the actual .doc file because it is a security risk.不要包含指向实际.doc文件的链接,因为它存在安全风险。

  2. Add JS listener to page for a cookie that contains a secret value.将 JS 侦听器添加到包含秘密值的 cookie 的页面。 When cookie is set to that value, page reloads and changes the iframe source to the file location for download.当 cookie 设置为该值时,页面会重新加载并将 iframe 源更改为要下载的文件位置。

  3. After payment is completed, return a callback with the secret value (token) that sets the cookie via PHP.支付完成后,通过PHP返回一个带有设置cookie的秘密值(令牌)的回调。

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