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[英]How to queryset inheritance model django?

I have models我有模特

class Parent(Model):

class Child1(Parent):
    att1 = CharField()

class Child2(Parent):
    att2 = CharField()

class Final(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey('Parent', related_name="final")

I need to queryset我需要查询集


But just Child1 inheritance Parent has att1 .但只是Child1继承Parentatt1 How to queryset att1 in Child1 not Child2 ?如何查询集ATT1Child1CHILD2?

You can query with:您可以查询:


In Django model inheritance (of non-abstract models) is achieved by adding an implicit OneToOneField in the child model(s).在 Django 模型继承(非抽象模型)是通过在子模型中添加一个隐式OneToOneField来实现的。 We can thus use that relation by querying in reverse .因此,我们可以通过反向查询来使用该关系。

This will thus create a query that looks like:因此,这将创建一个如下所示的查询:

SELECT final.*
FROM final
INNER JOIN parent ON final.parent_id = parent.id
INNER JOIN child1 ON parent.id = child1.parent_ptr_id
WHERE child1.att1 = 'abc'

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