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case when then in where 子句

[英]Case when then in where clause

How to use case when then in where clause if one of the conditions is fulfilled?What I need is if there is only one condition to be executed after the first condition is met If a condition meets the following conditions, it will not be executed.The case statement will stop evaluating further as soon as the first when condition is met如果满足其中一个条件case when thenwhere子句中如何使用case when then ? 我需要的是如果满足第一个条件后只有一个条件要执行,如果条件满足以下条件,则不会执行。一旦满足条件,case 语句将停止进一步评估

SELECT TOP 100 ProjType, projCost, InvestAmount, ProjBuildSize
FROM dbo.Project 
     WHEN projCost > 0  then projCost end >= 10000000 
     WHEN InvestAmount IS NOT NULL then InvestAmount end >= 12000000
     WHEN ProjBuildSize > 0 then ProjBuildSize ELSE >= 5000

You don't need CASE WHEN here, a simple x OR y OR z will suffice.你不需要CASE WHEN ,一个简单的 x OR y OR z 就足够了。

Also, if InvestAmount is a nullable column, then to check for null you must do InvestAmount IS NOT NULL instead of InvestAmount <> NULL此外,如果InvestAmount是一个可为空的列,那么要检查是否为空,您必须执行InvestAmount IS NOT NULL而不是InvestAmount <> NULL

SELECT TOP 100 ProjType,projCost,InvestAmount,ProjBuildSize 
FROM dbo.Project 
    (projCost > 0 AND projCost >= 10000000)
    OR (InvestAmount IS NOT NULL AND InvestAmount >= 12000000)
    OR (WHEN ProjBuildSize > 0 AND ProjBuildSize  >= 5000)

You can use the case statement like this in your where clause:您可以在where子句中使用这样的case语句:

SELECT TOP 100 ProjType, projCost, InvestAmount, ProjBuildSize
FROM dbo.Project 
     WHEN projCost > 0 AND projCost >= 10000000 then 1  
     WHEN InvestAmount IS NOT NULL AND InvestAmount >= 12000000 then 1
     WHEN ProjBuildSize > 0 AND ProjBuildSize >= 5000 then 1
     ELSE 0
   ) = 1

If any of your when conditions are satisfied, the case will return a 1 , and the where clause condition will be satisfied, otherwise the case will return 0 .如果你的任何一个when条件满足, case将返回1 ,并且where子句条件将被满足,否则case将返回0

You can achieve it in this simple way您可以通过这种简单的方式实现它

SELECT TOP 100 ProjType,projCost,InvestAmount,ProjBuildSize FROM dbo.Project 
WHERE (projCost <= 0 OR projCost >= 10000000)
      AND (projCost <= 0 And ((InvestAmount is null)  OR InvestAmount >= 12000000))
      AND ((InvestAmount is null And projCost <= 0) And ((ProjBuildSize <= 0 ) OR ProjBuildSize  >= 5000))

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