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如何为我刚刚创建的新线程获取 Looper?

[英]How do I get the Looper for a new Thread that I just created?

I'm creating a thread to handle a request.我正在创建一个线程来处理请求。 In the thread I must call Looper.prepare() which is require by some other functionality it is using, and then I call Looper.loop() .在线程中,我必须调用Looper.prepare() ,这是它正在使用的其他一些功能所需要的,然后我调用Looper.loop() But when the connection for the request is closed, I get a callback in a different thread.但是当请求的连接关闭时,我会在不同的线程中收到回调。 At that point I need to call quit() on the Thread's looper so that loop() will return and the thread will exit.那时我需要在线程的循环器上调用quit()以便 loop() 将返回并且线程将退出。 However, I am having a hard time figuring out how to get that thread's looper.但是,我很难弄清楚如何获得该线程的循环器。 I don't see any in Thread to get the Looper for the thread.我在Thread没有看到任何可以获取Thread的 Looper。 In the Looper class I see a way to get the looper for the current class, but I'm not able to pass this information from the inner class of the Thread to the class that creates it:Looper类中,我看到了一种获取当前类的Looper的方法,但是我无法将此信息从 Thread 的内部类传递给创建它的类:

                final Looper l1;
                final Thread thread = new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        l1 = Looper.myLooper(); // ERROR!
                        // initialization goes here
                        Log.d(logtag,"The request thread is done.");

and in the callback which immediately follows the above line:并在紧随上述行之后的回调中:

webSocket.setClosedCallback(new CompletedCallback() {
    public void onCompleted(Exception ex) {
        // other code

I get a compile time error on the line marked above:我在上面标记的行上收到编译时错误:

Cannot assign a value to final variable 'l1'.

But I haven't assigned it yet!但是我还没分配呢! If I don't make Looper final, then I can't assign to it because it's not final.如果我不让Looper最终版本,那么我就不能分配给它,因为它不是最终版本。

This seems like somewhat of a hack, but I created this class (private, in the same file):这看起来有点像黑客,但我创建了这个类(私有的,在同一个文件中):

class LooperHolder {
    Looper l1 = null;
    void setLooper(Looper looper) {
        l1 = looper;
    Looper getLooper() {
        return l1;

Then I modified my code to go through the looper holder:然后我修改了我的代码以通过活套支架:

            final LooperHolder lh = new LooperHolder();
            final Thread thread = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    // initialization goes here
                    Log.d(logtag,"The request thread is done.");

And then in the callback:然后在回调中:

Looper l1 = lh.getLooper();
if (l1 != null) l1.quit();


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