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区分大小写的排序(词法排序)不起作用 PostgreSQL citext 类型

[英]Case sensitive sorting (lexical sorting) not working PostgreSQL citext type

I want to perform search and sorting simultaneously for the citext type in PostgreSQL.我想对 PostgreSQL 中的citext类型同时执行搜索和排序。

select name from employee ORDER BY name ASC;

For the above query I get the following sort order:对于上述查询,我​​得到以下排序顺序:


Is there any way to sort in the below order:有没有办法按以下顺序排序:


I am using postgres version "PostgreSQL 9.4.10, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit".我使用的是 postgres 版本“PostgreSQL 9.4.10,由 Visual C++ build 1800,64 位编译”。

You could use你可以用


That will cast name to a case sensitive type and use the binary collation.这会将name转换为区分大小写的类型并使用二进制排序规则。

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