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如何在 CakePHP 1.3 中修改 $content_for_layout

[英]How to modify $content_for_layout in CakePHP 1.3

I am using CakePHP 1.3.我正在使用 CakePHP 1.3。 In app/views/layouts/default.ctp I am using this:app/views/layouts/default.ctp我使用这个:

<?php echo $content_for_layout;?>

According to CakePHP Application Development, by Ahsanul Bari and Anupom Syam,根据Ahsanul Bari 和Anupom Syam 的CakePHP 应用程序开发,

"This line is mainly responsible for placing controller-rendered view contents inside the layout. We must include this to tell Cake where to place the action-specific controller-rendered views." “这一行主要负责将控制器渲染的视图内容放置在布局中。我们必须包括这一行来告诉 Cake 将特定于动作的控制器渲染的视图放置在哪里。”

I was trying to figure out how to modify the content of $content_for_layout .我试图弄清楚如何修改$content_for_layout的内容。 But I guess that is not the kind of variable that I am supposed to modify to modify the layout.但我想这不是我应该修改以修改布局的那种变量。 What I am trying to accomplish is to either modify $content_for_layout or create a new layout to customize some elements for an A/B testing experiment.我想要完成的是修改$content_for_layout或创建一个新布局来自定义 A/B 测试实验的一些元素。 Could you help me to better understand how to manipulate $content_for_layout ?你能帮我更好地理解如何操作$content_for_layout吗? Thank you.谢谢你。

UPDATE 1:更新1:

I am configuring an A/B testing experiment.我正在配置 A/B 测试实验。 I have this in app/views/layouts/default.ctp :我在app/views/layouts/default.ctp有这个:

    <div id="split-test-homepage-content-original">
        <?php echo $content_for_layout;?>
    <div id="split-test-homepage-content-redesign">
        <?php echo $content_for_layout;?>

With CSS I am hiding/showing either split-test-homepage-content-original or split-test-homepage-content-redesign depending on the version that the split test will show.使用 CSS 我隐藏/显示split-test-homepage-content-originalsplit-test-homepage-content-redesign取决于拆分测试将显示的版本。 But I am having problems because $content_for_layout is being rendered twice.但是我遇到了问题,因为$content_for_layout被渲染了两次。 Even though visually people only see one version but behind the scenes the page has $content_for_layout loading twice on the same page.即使在视觉上人们只看到一个版本,但在幕后,该页面在同一页面上加载了两次$content_for_layout This is causing all kinds of problems to me such as duplicate forms, JavaScript elements not working correctly as a result of duplicate variables, etc. What I want to do is to modify what $content_for_layout does for <div id="split-test-homepage-content-redesign"> .这给我带来了各种各样的问题,例如重复的表单,由于重复变量而导致 JavaScript 元素无法正常工作等。我想要做的是修改$content_for_layout<div id="split-test-homepage-content-redesign"> One option I am considering is to use JavaScript so that in the jQuery(document).ready(function($) { section I can do something in the experiment so that if a variable contains a specific boolean value, I show one version or the other. Something like this:我正在考虑的一种选择是使用 JavaScript,以便在jQuery(document).ready(function($) {部分我可以在实验中做一些事情,以便如果变量包含特定的布尔值,我会显示一个版本或其他。像这样:

if(javascriptvariable==true){ then use the following HTML for the view: if(javascriptvariable==true){然后为视图使用以下 HTML:

<div id="split-test-homepage-content-original">
    <?php echo $content_for_layout;?>

else, the Javascript will take care of not displaying the above, but this:否则,Javascript 将处理不显示上述内容,但是:

<div id="split-test-homepage-content-redesign">
    <?php echo $content_for_layout;?>

Does the JavaScript approach make sense to you or should I do something about creating new layouts or modifying what $content_for_layout does? JavaScript 方法对您有意义吗,或者我应该做些什么来创建新布局或修改$content_for_layout作用? Thank you.谢谢你。

Duplicating content was definitely asking for trouble.复制内容绝对是自找麻烦。 I used a much better approach to manipulate CSS classes and ids only without duplicating content.我使用了一种更好的方法来操作 CSS 类和 id,而不复制内容。

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