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Java SE 11.0.5 (LTS) 许可证(下载最新的 openJDK 更新)

[英]Java SE 11.0.5 (LTS) license (download the latest openJDK updates)

Is jdk downloaded from oracle through the following link is under GPL license, as I thought it's not https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html是通过以下链接从 oracle 下载的 jdk 是在 GPL 许可下的,因为我认为它不是https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html

and if it's not GPL licensed, why the openjdk site is recommending that I download jdk from oracle and claiming that it's under GPL license https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/11如果它没有 GPL 许可,为什么 openjdk 站点建议我从 oracle 下载 jdk 并声称它在 GPL 许可下https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/11

These binaries are provided for use by implementers of the Java SE 11 Platform Specification and are for reference purposes only.这些二进制文件仅供 Java SE 11 平台规范的实现者使用,仅供参考。 This Reference Implementation has been approved through the Java Community Process.此参考实现已通过 Java Community Process 批准。 Production-ready binaries under the GPL are available from Oracle; Oracle 提供了 GPL 下的生产就绪二进制文件; and will be in most popular Linux distributions并将出现在最流行的 Linux 发行版中

You see before downloading the JDK from the URL https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html你看之前从URL https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html下载JDK

you need to accept their Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE that binary is not under GPL if you accepted it (it's a trap from Oracle)您需要接受他们的 Oracle 技术网络许可协议,如果您接受该协议,则该二进制文件不在 GPL 下(这是 Oracle 的陷阱)

the page does provide a binary that is provided under the GPL but it is somewhat hidden in that page this is the link that they provide https://jdk.java.net/该页面确实提供了一个在 GPL 下提供的二进制文件,但它在该页面中有些隐藏,这是他们提供的链接https://jdk.java.net/

Short answer简答

Download openJDK and its latest updates from https://adoptopenjdk.net/https://adoptopenjdk.net/下载 openJDK 及其最新更新

Oracle JDK is not GPL Oracle JDK 不是 GPL

Thanks a million @bhspencer感谢一百万@bhspencer

Long answer长答案

I was looking for the updated openJDK 11 at https://jdk.java.net/ or at https://openjdk.java.net/我正在https://jdk.java.net/https://openjdk.java.net/ 上寻找更新的 openJDK 11

but both links don't provide clear download links for openJDK latest updates.但是这两个链接都没有提供 openJDK 最新更新的明确下载链接。

A lead can be found here https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk-updates/ that led me to double check that https://adoptopenjdk.net/ is the right place to download from在这里可以找到一个线索https://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk-updates/这让我仔细检查https://adoptopenjdk.net/是正确的下载位置

Again thanks a lot @bhspencer再次非常感谢@bhspencer

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