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C# 自定义地图路线/查看路径/链接生成

[英]C# Custom Map Routes / View Paths / Link Generation

Issue/Try 1:问题/尝试 1:
I have a custom route map:我有一个自定义路线图:

    name: "User Profile",
    url: "User/{userId}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { Areas = "User", controller = "Kpi", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

If i manually navigate to the URL /User/f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c/Kpi/View/1 the page loads with a View Error: The view 'View' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations .如果我手动导航到 URL /User/f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c/Kpi/View/1页面加载一个视图错误: The view 'View' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations

Issue/Try 2:问题/尝试 2:
Stopped using the custom route and set up my controller as instead:停止使用自定义路由并将我的控制器设置为:

    public class KpiController : BaseUserController
        public async Task<ActionResult> View(string userId, int? id = null)

This now works i can navigate to the URL and the View displays fine.这现在有效,我可以导航到 URL 并且视图显示正常。

Issue for both:两者的问题:
Although I can navigate manually to both and they load I can't seem to generate the URL correctly using ActionLink :尽管我可以手动导航到两者并加载它们,但我似乎无法使用ActionLink正确生成 URL:

@Html.ActionLink(kpi.GetFormattedId(), "View", "Kpi", new { Area = "User", userId = Model.Id, id = kpi.Id }, null)

It generates: /User/Kpi/View/1?userId=f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c instead of /User/f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c/Kpi/View/1它生成: /User/Kpi/View/1?userId=f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c而不是/User/f339e768-fe92-4322-93ca-083c3d89328c/Kpi/View/1

URL Mapping网址映射
After some time i have found the solution for the custom mapping i was adding in the main RouteConfig.cs and not in the Area Registration.一段时间后,我找到了自定义映射的解决方案,我将其添加到主RouteConfig.cs而不是Area注册中。 Moving the MapRoute to the Area works correctly and without the RouteArea , RoutePrefix and Route attributes in the Controller.MapRoute移动到Area可以正常工作,并且控制器中没有RouteAreaRoutePrefixRoute属性。

Area Registration区域登记

public class UserAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration 
    public override string AreaName => "User";

    public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
            name: "User",
            url: "User/{userId}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

            new {action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}

Instead of using ActionLink i am now using RouteLink .我现在使用RouteLink而不是使用ActionLink

@Html.RouteLink("KPIs", "User", new { Controller = "Kpi", Action = "Index", userId = Model.Id })

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