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使用 Rails API 应用程序发送 HTTPOnly cookie 作为响应

[英]Sending HTTPOnly cookie in response using Rails API application

Correct me if I'm wrong but cookies are just special Set-Cookie: headers, right?如果我错了,请纠正我,但 cookie 只是特殊的Set-Cookie:标题,对吗? Maybe I'm missing something but that always seemed like the case to me.也许我错过了一些东西,但对我来说似乎总是如此。 If I set up a Rails API application and want to support sending HTTPOnly cookies (eg headers also assume I've got CORS and everything on the client setup etc) I should be able to do this correct?如果我设置了一个 Rails API 应用程序并希望支持发送 HTTPOnly cookie(例如,标头也假设我有 CORS 以及客户端设置等上的所有内容),我应该能够正确地做到这一点吗?

Basically, my questions are these:基本上,我的问题是这些:

  1. Does bringing back ActionDispatch::Cookies into my middleware and adding include ::ActionController::Cookies in my application controller totally defeat the purpose of an API application?ActionDispatch::Cookies带回我的中间件并在我的应用程序控制器中添加include ::ActionController::Cookies完全违背了 API 应用程序的目的?
  2. If it does, can I just send an HTTPOnly cookie through the headers manually?如果是这样,我可以手动通过标头发送 HTTPOnly cookie 吗?
  3. And if that is so, is it a much bigger hassle to manage cookie headers manually?如果是这样,手动管理 cookie 头是否会更麻烦? Is what I'm gaining from leaving the cookie middleware out out weigh handling them manually, if all I really need to do is send one HTTPOnly refresh token?如果我真正需要做的只是发送一个 HTTPOnly 刷新令牌,那么我是否可以通过将 cookie 中间件放在外面来衡量手动处理它们的收益?

So I don't need to add back any middleware or include any classes for cookies.所以我不需要添加任何中间件或包含任何 cookie 类。 I can use reponse.set_header to send a cookie.我可以使用reponse.set_header发送cookie。 However, this only lets you send one Set-Cookie header because it will overwrite the last header you set with Set-Cookie as the key.但是,这只允许您发送一个Set-Cookie标头,因为它会覆盖您使用Set-Cookie作为键Set-Cookie的最后一个标头。 Instead you have access to response.set_cookie which will let you set multiple cookies with each set_cookie call.相反,您可以访问response.set_cookie ,它可以让您在每个set_cookie调用中设置多个 cookie。 It also comes with some options that you can set that you would have to add to the value of the header you were sending manually with set_header .它还带有一些您可以设置的选项,您必须将这些选项添加到您使用set_header手动发送的标头的值中。

Here's an example I used that allowed me to send a cookie:这是我使用的一个示例,它允许我发送 cookie:

    value: 'this could be a token or whatever cookie value you wanted.',
    expires: 7.days.from_now,
    path: '/api/v1/auth',
    httponly: true

Check the documentation for this method for other options because there are others.检查此方法的文档以获取其他选项,因为还有其他选项。

EDIT: I was having an issue where the cookie was getting sent in the response but not saved (still).编辑:我遇到了一个问题,cookie 在响应中被发送但没有保存(仍然)。 It wasn't showing up in the cookie storage so I changed the path of the cookie getting sent to / and then it showed up.它没有出现在 cookie 存储中,所以我更改了发送到/的 cookie 的路径,然后它出现了。 I deleted it and then changed the cookie's path to /my/real/path and it worked and was stored in cookie storage.我删除了它,然后将 cookie 的路径更改为/my/real/path并且它工作并存储在 cookie 存储中。 Go figure.去搞清楚。

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