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是否有 R 函数来转换非标准科学记数法?

[英]Is there an R function to convert non-standard scientific notation?

I'm presently working with a dataset (made from a biostatistics research project) which denotes expression ranks in a value such as "1.00e3" rather than "1.00e+03" which seems to confuse the system when ranking.我目前正在使用一个数据集(由生物统计研究项目制成),该数据集以“1.00e3”而不是“1.00e+03”等值表示表达排名,这在排名时似乎会混淆系统。 Does anyone have any ideas as to how to work within the data frame to force it to convert "e" notations to standard form?有没有人对如何在数据框中工作以强制将“e”符号转换为标准形式有任何想法? I have already tried scipen and formatC.我已经尝试过 scipen 和 formatC。

It seems you are trying to rank a character vector numerically.您似乎正在尝试按数字对字符向量进行排名。 Which can indeed go awry.这确实会出错。 The trick is to convert to numeric for ranking.诀窍是转换为数字进行排名。

x = c("1.00e3", "1.00e+04", "1.0e05")
# "1.00e+04" "1.00e3"   "1.0e05"  
# 1e+03 1e+04 1e+05

If you really need the values in character format rather than numeric (which seems unlikely), you can do如果您确实需要字符格式而不是数字格式的值(这似乎不太可能),您可以这样做

format(as.numeric(x), scipen=999)
# [1] "1e+03" "1e+04" "1e+05"

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