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在 Informatica 中简单实现易失性/临时表的想法

[英]Ideas for a simple implementation of a volatile/temp table in Informatica

Mapping is: flat file is being loaded into a temp/volatile table, no permissions to create stored procs on a database .映射是:平面文件正在加载到临时/易失性表中,没有在数据库上创建存储过程的权限

I understand I can run a disconnected SQL Transformation, and just execute the "create table" from it.我知道我可以运行断开连接的 SQL 转换,然后从中执行“创建表”。 But since it's not a stored proc I do not see how I can run it preceding the file load (in the same mapping).但由于它不是存储过程,我看不到如何在文件加载之前运行它(在同一映射中)。 Disk file is treated as a source, volatile table as a target.磁盘文件被视为源,易失性表被视为目标。

Any ideas for a vanilla implementation of this, aside pre-SQL in the target object?除了目标对象中的 pre-SQL 之外,有没有关于这个香草实现的想法?

Personally I wouldn't use a temporary table at all.我个人根本不会使用临时表。 Save the data you need to an intermediate file in the first Target Load Path in your mapping.将您需要的数据保存到映射中第一个目标加载路径中的中间文件。 Then you can use this intermediate file in the second Target Load Path (and all following ones) within the same mapping with ease, be it as a source or as a LKP file.然后,您可以在同一映射中的第二个目标加载路径(以及所有后续路径)中轻松使用此中间文件,将其用作源文件或 LKP 文件。 And at the end of the session you simply delete the file in a post-session success command.在会话结束时,您只需在会话后成功命令中删除该文件。

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