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我正在从 API 请求数据。 目前,我以对象数组的形式获取数据,但无法在浏览器上呈现输出

[英]I am requesting data from an API. Currently, I am getting data as an array of objects but I'm not able to render output on the browser

Here is the code which I have written to get the details of the match from the API.这是我编写的代码,用于从 API 获取匹配的详细信息。 I am getting the data and converting it into JSON format.我正在获取数据并将其转换为 JSON 格式。 I am able to add data to the match array, but I can't render it to screen.我可以将数据添加到匹配数组,但无法将其呈现到屏幕上。

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Person from './Person/Person';

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    match: [
      { id: '12', stat: 'he', score: 's',description:'sds'},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''}

    otherState: 'some other value'

  GetMatchNumber = async () => {
    const responseofmatchno = await fetch(`https://cricapi.com/api/matches?apikey={API_KEY}`);
    const dataofmatchno = await responseofmatchno.json(); 
    const length = dataofmatchno.matches.length;
    var actual_length=0;
    var p=0;
    let true_value = "true";
    while(++p < length)
      if((dataofmatchno.matches[p].matchStarted.valueOf()) === (dataofmatchno.matches[0].matchStarted))
        actual_length = actual_length + 1;
    let i = 0;
    let j=0;
    while(++i < 4)
      const responseofmatchdetails = await fetch(`http://cricapi.com/api/cricketScore?unique_id=${j}&apikey={API_KEY}`);
      const dataofmatch = await responseofmatchdetails.json();
  render () {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>Hi, I'm a React App</h1>
        <p>This is really working!</p>
        <button onClick= {this.GetMatchNumber()}></button>
          stat={this.state.match[0].stat} />
          stat={this.state.match[1].stat} />
          stat={this.state.match[2].stat} />

Here is the data I am getting.这是我得到的数据。 I am getting the match unique id and through which I am getting the the details of th match such as stats, scorecard, summary etc. It is printing in the console but not rendering on the page.我正在获取匹配唯一 ID,并通过它获取匹配的详细信息,例如统计信息、记分卡、摘要等。它在控制台中打印,但不在页面上呈现。

App.js:51 Otago Women won by 31 runs
App.js:53 Canterbury Women 91/10 * v Otago Women 122/7 
App.js:55 Canterbury Women 91/10 * v Otago Women 122/7 
App.js:46 1187027
App.js:51 Australia won by 10 wickets (with 74 balls remaining)
App.js:53 India 255/10  v Australia 258 *
App.js:55 India 255/10  v Australia 258 *
App.js:46 1195608
App.js:51 Heat won by 7 wickets (with 28 balls remaining)
App.js:53 Brisbane Heat 114/3 * v Adelaide Strikers 110/10 
App.js:55 Brisbane Heat 114/3 * v Adelaide Strikers 110/10 

尝试在 componentDidMount 中调用 API,因为它将被调用一次(仅第一次渲染)然后使用 this.setState 更新状态。

The render function should be a pure function returning a result to display, there should be no side-effects such as fetching data.渲染函数应该是一个纯函数,返回结果显示,不应该有获取数据等副作用。 Instead, use one of the react component lifecycle functions (or callback) to issue side-effects and/or update state.相反,使用 react 组件生命周期函数(或回调)之一来发出副作用和/或更新状态。 You also are directly mutating state.你也直接改变状态。

First compute an entire object you wish to set state to/with and call setState with the new state object.首先计算您希望将状态设置为/使用的整个对象,然后使用新的状态对象调用setState In this case, you can queue up all your fetch requests and process them "in bulk" using Promise.all .在这种情况下,您可以使用Promise.all将所有获取请求排队并“批量”处理它们。 I also suggest surrounding all your async processing with a try/catch in case errors happen so you can handle it and keep your app on the happy path.我还建议使用 try/catch 来处理所有异步处理,以防发生错误,以便您可以处理它并使您的应用程序保持在愉快的路径上。

Also, ensure you are setting the button's onClick callback correctly.另外,请确保正确设置按钮的onClick回调。

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Person from './Person/Person';

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    match: [
      { id: '12', stat: 'he', score: 's',description:'sds'},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''},
      { id: '', stat: '', score: '',description:''}

    otherState: 'some other value'

  getMatchNumber = async () => {
    const responseOfmatchNo = await fetch(`https://cricapi.com/api/matches?apikey={API_KEY}`);
    const dataOfMatchNo = await responseOfmatchNo.json();

    const resolvedFetchedJSON = await Promise.all(
      // map data objects to fetch requests, returns json data
      dataOfMatchNo.matches.map(request => {
        return fetch(`http://cricapi.com/api/cricketScore?unique_id=${request.unique_id}&apikey={API_KEY}`)
        .then(response => response.json());

    // at this point I think you have the array of JSON data you were copying previously
    this.setState({ match: resolvedFetchedJSON });

     * NOTE: if you want to keep existing matches in state, i.e. merge in new data then
     * this.setState(prevState => ({ match: [...prevState.match, ...resolvedFetchedJSON]}));

  render () {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>Hi, I'm a React App</h1>
        <p>This is really working!</p>
        {/* <button onClick= {this.GetMatchNumber()}></button> */}
           * Don't invoke onClick callback immediately, either
           *  - define in-line callback
           *    <button onClick= {() => this.GetMatchNumber()}></button>
           *  - or set callback as your function, notice no parans on function 
           *    <button onClick= {this.GetMatchNumber}></button>
        <button onClick= {this.GetMatchNumber}></button>
          stat={this.state.match[0].stat} />
          stat={this.state.match[1].stat} />
          stat={this.state.match[2].stat} />


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