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[英]How to set an header with Axios module and vuejs in nuxt

I'm trying to define an "Accept-Language" header for my SPA in vue.js (with nuxt ).我正在尝试在vue.js (使用nuxt )中为我的 SPA 定义一个“Accept-Language”标头。

Here's what I tried but it doesn't work.这是我尝试过但不起作用的方法。 I specify that I use the axios module for nuxt .我指定我对nuxt使用axios 模块

I created a plugin as explained in the documentation .按照文档中的说明创建了一个插件。 I included the plugin in nuxt.config.js.我将插件包含在 nuxt.config.js 中。

I tried to use setHeader as explained here , but it doesn't work.我尝试按照此处的说明使用setHeader ,但它不起作用。

export default function ({ store, $axios, redirect }) {

  if (process.server) {

  $axios.onRequest(config => {
    const baseUrl = $axios.defaults.baseURL;

    const locale = store.getters['lang/locale'];

    if (locale) {
      $axios.setHeader('Accept-Language', locale)

But this code doesn't work.但是这段代码不起作用。 However, when I make console.log , I see them so it is taken into account.但是,当我制作console.log ,我会看到它们,因此将其考虑在内。

Use $axios.interceptors instead of $axios.onRequest使用$axios.interceptors而不是 $axios.onRequest

export default function({store, $axios, redirect}) {
        if (process.server) {
        $axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {

            const baseUrl = $axios.defaults.baseURL;

            const locale = store.getters['lang/locale'];

            if (locale) {
                $axios.setHeader('Accept-Language', locale)
            return config;

how are you making the request?你是如何提出请求的? If you want to use the helpers (setHeader, setToken, ...) provided by @nuxtjs/axios, you then must always use the request helpers provided by it, that are simply the lowercase http method names prefixed with a $如果您想使用@nuxtjs/axios 提供的帮助程序(setHeader、setToken、...),那么您必须始终使用它提供的请求帮助程序,即以 $ 为前缀的小写 http 方法名称

Instead of $axios.get( ... ) use $axios.$get( ... ) and so on for put, post, delete...而不是$axios.get( ... )使用$axios.$get( ... )等等来放置,发布,删除......

You can also try setting headers this way:您也可以尝试以这种方式设置标题:

$axios.onRequest(config => {
    const baseUrl = $axios.defaults.baseURL;

    const locale = store.getters['lang/locale'];

    if (locale) {
        config.headers.common['Accept-Language'] = locale;

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