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Scala、Circe、Http4s - 有没有办法在 Circe 中对 Throwable 进行编码?

[英]Scala, Circe, Http4s - is it any way to encode Throwable in Circe?

I have created hierarchy of errors:我创建了错误层次结构:

sealed trait MyError extends Throwable
final case class SecondError(msg: String) extends MyError

Now I could get this kind of error in my http4s routes:现在我可以在我的http4s路由中得到这种错误:

case GET -> Root / "things" => for {
        response <- things.all.foldM(
          error => error match {
            case SecondError(_) => InternalServerError(error)            

But I get compiled error:但我得到编译错误:

could not find implicit value for parameter encoder: io.circe.Encoder[Throwable]

Is it possible to encode Throwable with circe and http4s ?是否可以使用circehttp4sThrowable进行编码? I tried to do it this way:我试图这样做:

implicit def encoderHttpThrowable: EntityEncoder[Env, Throwable] = jsonEncoderOf[Env, Throwable]

But it did not solve a problem.但它并没有解决一个问题。

It is not possible to encode automatically a Java Hierarchy with Circe (or any other library) (I am pretty sure of this).不可能使用Circe (或任何其他库)自动编码 Java 层次结构(我很确定这一点)。

So you have 3 possibilities:所以你有3种可能性:

  1. Just use the Message of the error:只需使用错误消息:

     case GET -> Root / "things" => things.all.foldM ( error => InternalServerError(error.getMessage()), Ok(_) )
  2. Or get rid of the Throwable:或者摆脱 Throwable:

     sealed trait MyError final case class SecondError(msg: String) extends MyError

    And now you can encode the error现在您可以对错误进行编码

    ... case GET -> Root / "things" => things.all.foldM ( error => InternalServerError(error), Ok(_) )
  3. Map your Throwable to your own Error (Sealed Trait without Throwable):将您的 Throwable 映射到您自己的错误(没有 Throwable 的密封特征):

     ... case GET -> Root / "things" => things.all .mapError{ case ex: IllegalArgumentException => SecondError(ex.getMessage) case ex => FirstError(ex.getMessage) } .foldM ( error => InternalServerError(error), Ok(_) )

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