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AWS 弹性 beantalk 上安装了哪些默认的 php 扩展?

[英]What default php extensions installed on AWS elastic beanstalk?

I need to know what extensions are installed on the AWS elastic beanstalk php platform by default, but amazon doesn't seem to have this information available on their documentation (besides the vague wording of saying that some extensions are installed by default).我需要知道默认情况下在 AWS elastic beanstalk php 平台上安装了哪些扩展,但亚马逊似乎没有在他们的文档中提供这些信息(除了说默认安装了一些扩展的模糊措辞)。

Does anyone know where this information is available, or, if not, how I can figure it out myself?有谁知道这些信息在哪里可用,或者,如果没有,我如何自己弄清楚?

I'm running AWS elastic beanstalk platform PHP 7.1.32我正在运行 AWS 弹性 beantalk 平台PHP 7.1.32

I had the same issue, I wasn't able to find any official information anywhere so I ended up just ssh-ing into the ec2 instance that elastic beanstalk creates and running the right commands to determine the default installed php extensions.我遇到了同样的问题,我无法在任何地方找到任何官方信息,所以我最终只是通过 ssh-ing 进入弹性 beantalk 创建的 ec2 实例并运行正确的命令来确定默认安装的 php 扩展。

I followed this answer to ssh into the ec2 instance: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4921866/8137812我按照这个答案 ssh 进入 ec2 实例: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/4921866/8137812

And then I ran php -r "print_r(get_loaded_extensions());"然后我运行php -r "print_r(get_loaded_extensions());" on the ec2 instance.在 ec2 实例上。

This gave me the list of all the default extensions that are installed, specifically for the "PHP 7.1 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.6.1" platform that AWS provides.这给了我已安装的所有默认扩展的列表,特别是针对 AWS 提供的“在 64 位 Amazon Linux/2.6.1 上运行的 PHP 7.1”平台。

    [0] => Core
    [1] => date
    [2] => libxml
    [3] => openssl
    [4] => pcre
    [5] => zlib
    [6] => filter
    [7] => hash
    [8] => pcntl
    [9] => readline
    [10] => Reflection
    [11] => SPL
    [12] => session
    [13] => standard
    [14] => bcmath
    [15] => bz2
    [16] => calendar
    [17] => ctype
    [18] => curl
    [19] => dom
    [20] => mbstring
    [21] => fileinfo
    [22] => ftp
    [23] => gd
    [24] => gettext
    [25] => iconv
    [26] => intl
    [27] => json
    [28] => exif
    [29] => mcrypt
    [30] => mysqlnd
    [31] => odbc
    [32] => PDO
    [33] => pgsql
    [34] => Phar
    [35] => posix
    [36] => shmop
    [37] => SimpleXML
    [38] => soap
    [39] => sockets
    [40] => sqlite3
    [41] => sysvmsg
    [42] => sysvsem
    [43] => sysvshm
    [44] => tokenizer
    [45] => xml
    [46] => xmlwriter
    [47] => xsl
    [48] => zip
    [49] => mysqli
    [50] => pdo_mysql
    [51] => PDO_ODBC
    [52] => pdo_pgsql
    [53] => pdo_sqlite
    [54] => wddx
    [55] => xmlreader
    [56] => xmlrpc
    [57] => apcu
    [58] => igbinary
    [59] => imagick
    [60] => memcache
    [61] => OAuth
    [62] => ssh2
    [63] => memcached
    [64] => Zend OPcache

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