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FullCalendar React timeGridWeek 坏了

[英]FullCalendar React timeGridWeek broken

I've tried to turn Fullcalendar's React component into a component in Inductive Automation's Ignition platform.我已经尝试将 Fullcalendar 的 React 组件变成 Inductive Automation 的 Ignition 平台中的一个组件。 This has gone relatively smoothly and everything renders properly, except for the timeGridWeek .这进展相对顺利,一切都正确呈现,除了timeGridWeek

Whenever I try to navigate to the timeGridWeek the console spits out an error that doesn't mean much to me and the entire calendar stops responding.每当我尝试导航到timeGridWeek ,控制台都会发出一个对我来说意义不大的错误,整个日历都会停止响应。 This is the error in question:这是有问题的错误:

RadComponents.js?no_…e=1579268884233:960 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'years' of null
at wholeDivideDurations (RadComponents.js?no_…e=1579268884233:960)
at TimeGrid.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.esm.js.TimeGrid.processOptions (RadComponents.js?no_…1579268884233:13228)
at new TimeGrid (RadComponents.js?no_…1579268884233:13207)
at TimeGridView [as constructor] (RadComponents.js?no_…1579268884233:13757)
at new TimeGridView (RadComponents.js?no_…1579268884233:14010)
at CalendarComponent.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.esm.js.CalendarComponent.renderView (RadComponents.js?no_…=1579268884233:6501)
at CalendarComponent.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.esm.js.CalendarComponent.render (RadComponents.js?no_…=1579268884233:6453)
at CalendarComponent.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.esm.js.Component.receiveProps (RadComponents.js?no_…=1579268884233:4138)
at Calendar.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.esm.js.Calendar.renderComponent (RadComponents.js?no_…=1579268884233:7068)
at Calendar.../../node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.esm.js.Calendar.executeRender (RadComponents.js?no_…=1579268884233:7025)

Now the reason the error doesn't mean much to me is because it seems to be happening within the TimeGridPlugin itself, which I don't think I have access to.现在错误对我来说意义不大的原因是它似乎发生在TimeGridPlugin本身内,我认为我无法访问它。

This is my code:这是我的代码:

import * as React from 'react';
import { Component, ComponentMeta, ComponentProps, SizeObject } from '@inductiveautomation/perspective-client';
import { Calendar } from '@fullcalendar/core';
import FullCalendar from '@fullcalendar/react';
import timeGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/timegrid';
import dayGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/daygrid';
import interactionPlugin from '@fullcalendar/interaction';

// the 'key' or 'id' for this component type.  Component must be registered with this EXACT key in the Java side as well
// as on the client side.  In the client, this is done in the index file where we import and register through the
// ComponentRegistry provided by the perspective-client API.
export const COMPONENT_TYPE = "react-display-calendar";

// this is the shape of the properties we get from the perspective 'props' property tree.
export interface ReactCalendarProps {
    editable: boolean;
    selectable: boolean;
    defaultView: string;
    events: Array<object>;
    firstDay: number;
    eventLimit: boolean | number;
    minTime: string;
    maxTime: string;
    weekNumbers: boolean;
    weekNumbersWithinDays: boolean;
    nowIndicator: boolean;
    slotDuration: string;
    allDayText: string;
    longPressDelay: number;

export class ReactCalendar extends Component<ComponentProps, any> {
    calendar: Calendar;
    private calendarComponentRef  = React.createRef<any>();

    render() {
        const {props} = this.props;
        const allDayTextProp = props.readString('allDayText');
        const eventsProp = props.readArray('events');
        const editableProp = props.readBoolean('editable');
        const selectableProp = props.readBoolean('selectable');
        const firstDayProp = props.readNumber('firstDay', 1);
        const eventLimitProp = props.read('eventLimit');
        const weekNumbersProp = props.readBoolean('weekNumbers');
        const weekNumbersWithinDaysProp = props.readBoolean('weekNumbersWithinDays');
        const nowIndicatorProp = props.readBoolean('nowIndicator');
        const defaultViewProp = props.readString('defaultView');
        const minTimeProp = props.readString('minTime');
        const maxTimeProp = props.readString('maxTime');
        const slotDurationProp = props.readString('slotDuration');
        const longPressDelayProp = props.readNumber('longPressDelay', 1000);

        const pluginsProp = [dayGridPlugin, timeGridPlugin, interactionPlugin];
        const headerProp = { left: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay', center: 'title', right: 'today, ,prev,next' };
        const eventTimeFormatProp = { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', meridiem: false, hour12: false };
        const slotLabelFormatProp = { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', meridiem: false, hour12: false };



    handleSelect = (arg: any) => {
        let selectStart = arg.start.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;
        let selectEnd = arg.end.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;

        if (!isNaN(arg.start.valueOf())) {
            this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onSelectionMade", {start:  selectStart, end: selectEnd});
        } else {
            alert('Invalid date.');

    handleWindowResize = (arg: any) => {
        this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onWindowResize", {arg});

    handleEventDrop = (arg: any) => {
        if (arg.event.start != null && arg.event.end != null) {
            let eventId = arg.event.id;
            let startTime = arg.event.start.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;
            let endTime = arg.event.end.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;
            this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onEventDropped", {
                id: eventId,
                start: startTime,
                end: endTime

    handleEventClick = (arg: any) => {
        let title = arg.event.title;
        let id = arg.event.id;

        this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onEventClick", {

    handleEventResize = (arg: any) => {
        if (arg.event.start != null && arg.event.end != null) {
            let eventId = arg.event.id;
            let startTime = arg.event.start.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;
            let endTime = arg.event.end.valueOf() / 1000 + 3600;
            this.props.componentEvents.fireComponentEvent("onEventResized", {
                id: eventId,
                start: startTime,
                end: endTime


// this is the actual thing that gets registered with the component registry
export class ReactCalendarMeta implements ComponentMeta {

    getComponentType(): string {
        return COMPONENT_TYPE;

    // the class or React Type that this component provides
    getViewClass(): React.ReactType {
        return ReactCalendar;

    getDefaultSize(): SizeObject {
        return ({
            width: 360,
            height: 360

Has anyone encountered this problem before?有没有人遇到过这个问题? Any ideas are appreciated!任何想法表示赞赏!

So, it turns out the React version requires a default value for slotDuration .因此,事实证明 React 版本需要slotDuration的默认值。 Otherwise tonnes of values will be undefined or null during the first render of the timeGridWeek , breaking the calendar.否则,在timeGridWeek的第一次渲染期间,大量的值将是 undefined 或 null,从而打破日历。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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