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Odoo 13 : 如何编写一个好的过滤器以便将数据发送到odoo网站页面?

[英]Odoo 13 : How to write a good filters in order to sent data to odoo website page?

I've been asked to do some filters before passing the data to the website.在将数据传递到网站之前,我被要求做一些过滤。
I have four(4) models that are linked with many2many fields.我有四 (4) 个与多对多领域相关联的模型。 Let me add an image of the four models.让我添加四个模型的图像。 在此处输入图片说明

In order to print the model.a, we need to check if it has model.b linked to it, then check if some model.c is linked to model.b and finally, check if some model.d is linked to model.c.为了打印model.a,我们需要检查它是否有model.b 链接到它,然后检查一些model.c 是否链接到model.b,最后检查一些model.d 是否链接到model。 C。 After all of that.毕竟。 The result is the same as this image结果与此图像相同在此处输入图片说明 To do that, I wrote this code :为此,我编写了以下代码:

@http.route(['/agenda'], auth="public", website=True)
def agenda(self):
    months = DATES_SELECT
    # all dictionary used in the implementation
    model_c_dict = {}
    model_b_dict = {}
    model_a_dict = {}
    model_a_key = []
    # filter the model.d according to certain condition
    # should I set registrations_left field as store=True for performance when using .search()
    model_d_ids = request.env['model.d'].search([('date_start', '>', dt.now().date()), ('state', '=', 'opened')], order="date_start").filtered(lambda k: k.registrations_left != 0)
    for session in model_d_ids:
        course_id = session.course_id_many[:1]
        if not course_id.state == 'validated':
        model_c_dict.setdefault(course_id.id, {'object': course_id, 'sessions': []})
    for k, v in model_c_dict.items():
        category_id = v['object'].category_ids[:1]
        if not category_id:
        model_b_dict.setdefault(category_id.id, {'object': category_id, 'course': {}})
        model_b_dict[category_id.id]['course'].setdefault(k, v)
    for k, v in model_b_dict.items():
        catalogue_id = v['object'].catalogue_ids[:1]
        if not catalogue_id:
        model_a_dict.setdefault(catalogue_id.id, {'object': catalogue_id, 'category':  {}})
        model_a_dict[catalogue_id.id]['category'].setdefault(k, v)
        if catalogue_id.id in model_a_dict:
    # sort the model_a with model_a.sequence as key
    model_a_key = sorted(list(set(model_a_key)), key=lambda k: k.sequence)

    # pack key
    dict_key = {'model_a_key': model_a_key}

    values = {
        'months': months,
        'categs': model_a_dict,
        'dict_key': dict_key,

    return request.render('website_custom.agenda', values)

It works as intended, but I don't know if It has performance issues, if it's bad coding, ...它按预期工作,但我不知道它是否有性能问题,是否编码错误,...
So I'm asking your opinion.所以我在问你的意见。 PS: I didn't design the models and its relations. PS:我没有设计模型及其关系。

I loved the slice technique to avoid index out of range error , and can be very usefull to check if the record is connected all the way up to A (catalogue model) in filtered function k.course_id_many[:1].category_ids[:1].catalogue_ids[:1] but I prefer doing this in the domain:我喜欢切片技术以避免index out of range error ,并且可以非常有用地检查记录是否一直连接到过滤函数k.course_id_many[:1].category_ids[:1].catalogue_ids[:1] A(目录模型) k.course_id_many[:1].category_ids[:1].catalogue_ids[:1]但我更喜欢在域中这样做:

@http.route(['/agenda'], auth="public", website=True)
def agenda(self):
    courses_dict = {}
    category_dict = {}
    catalogue_dict = {}
    # extract all record of Model D connected all the way up to A model
    sessions = request.env['model.d'].search([('date_start', '>', dt.now().date()),
                                              ('state', '=', 'opened'),
                                              # this will make sure that the record retrieved will be connected to catalogue model (A)
                                              ('course_id_many.category_ids.catalogue_ids', '!=', False)], order="date_start") \
        .filtered(lambda k: k.registrations_left != 0)

    for session in sessions:
        # if you want to treat olny the first record you can add the slice on the many2many [:1]
        # but I think you will skip the rest of the record in the many2many field
        # and if this what you want the loop are not needed at all just do `course = session.course_id_many[0]`
        # and do the same for all loops. because you don't have to check if the record are connected we all ready did that in search method
        course = session.course_id_many[0]
        if not course.state == 'validated': continue  # skip validated courses

        # add course to dict, and add the session to it's list of sessions
        course_obj = courses_dict.setdefault(course.id, {'object': course, 'sessions': []})

        category = course.category_ids[0]
        # store category, and add course to it's list of courses
        category_obj = category_dict.setdefault(category.id, {'object': category, 'course': {}})
        category_obj = category_dict[category.id]['course'][course.id] = course_obj

        catalogue = category.catalogue_ids[0]
        # sotre catalog, and add category to it's categories list
        catalogue_dict.setdefault(catalogue.id, {'object': catalogue, 'category': {}})['category'][category.id] = category_obj

    # sort catalogue
    catalogue_keys = sorted(catalogue_dict.keys(), key=lambda k: catalogue_dict[k]['object'].sequence)

    values = {
        'months': DATES_SELECT,
        'categs': catalogue_dict,
        'dict_key': catalogue_keys,

    return request.render('website_custom.agenda', values)

I hope this work I did the best to check for syntax errors, It should work.我希望这项工作我尽最大努力检查语法错误,它应该可以工作。

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