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MongoDb 中的聚合计数值

[英]Aggregate count Values in MongoDb

Please, I need a help for aggregate the status (2 and 3) count from year in a MongoDb nested document.拜托,我需要帮助来汇总 MongoDb 嵌套文档中年份的状态(2 和 3)计数。

My Json:我的杰森:


This is my mongodb code:这是我的 mongodb 代码:

db.mycol.aggregate([{"$match": {"calendars.status": {"$in": [2, 3]}}}, {"$unwind": "$calendars"},
                    {"$group": {_id: {"year": "$calendars.year"},
                                total: {"$sum": 1}
                    {"$project": {
                        "year": "$_id.year",
                        "total": "$total", "_id": 0}},

And I need the result:我需要结果:

year total  
2012 1
2013 0
2014 2


I will first unwind the array object and match accordingly,我将首先展开数组对象并进行相应的匹配,

    "$unwind": "$calendars"
    "$match": {
      "calendars.status": {
        "$in": [
    "$group": {
      _id: {
        "year": "$calendars.year"
      total: {
        "$sum": 1
    "$project": {
      "year": "$_id.year",
      "total": "$total",
      "_id": 0


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