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我如何通过改造从 api 获取照片参考

[英]How do i fetch photo reference from api with retrofit

I have been having a hard time fetching photo reference value for use of google places in my android app.我一直很难在我的 android 应用程序中获取photo reference值以使用google places


"photos" : [
               "height" : 332,
               "html_attributions" : [
                  "\u003ca href=\"https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/110539175553196663923\"\u003ePrecious Imianmian\u003c/a\u003e"
               "photo_reference" : "CmRaAAAApEbJYuLAwp8WO9BpnKrpdbqyuOPjHOdu3eKVqjUIg0Kg6LNgRswF_tWhLOipbkzP6Nlf1_1P-EUxwP2jQhIm90N0jEShobu5leyfaAqDIiEn_e5fJLpEZLSXLasvWo2HEhArF2rvEhbkfldVDWcOtGJ7GhQtrp8IJ5OSBZnynf90N5-84Mal7Q",
               "width" : 500

Model Class模型类

public class NearbyPlaces {
    private ArrayList<Result> list;

    public ArrayList<Result> getList() {
        return list;
 public class Result {
        private List<Photos> photos;
        private Geometry getGeometry;

        private String icon;

        private String id;

        private String name;

        public List<Photos> getPhotos() {
            return photos;

        public void setPhotos(List<Photos> photos) {
            this.photos = photos;
 public static class Photos {
        private int width;
        private String photoReference;
        private List<String> htmlAttributions;
        private int height;

        public int getWidth() {
            return width;

        public void setWidth(int width) {
            this.width = width;

        public String getPhotoReference() {
            return photoReference;

        public void setPhotoReference(String photoReference) {
            this.photoReference = photoReference;

        public List<String> getHtmlAttributions() {
            return htmlAttributions;

        public void setHtmlAttributions(List<String> htmlAttributions) {
            this.htmlAttributions = htmlAttributions;

        public int getHeight() {
            return height;

        public void setHeight(int height) {
            this.height = height;

Adapter Class适配器类

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull PlaceResultAdapter.ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {
        String image_url = placeModels.get(i).getIcon();
      //  Picasso.get().load(placeModels.get(i).getPhotos().get(0).getPhotoReference().into(viewHolder.place_image));//returns null
       // Toast.makeText(context, String.valueOf(placeModels.get(i).getPhotos().size()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); this returns zero size

So how do i properly structure my model class to fetch data photo reference from the api.那么我如何正确构建我的模型类以从 api 获取数据照片引用。 I have successfully fetched other values eg icon and name but i have no idea how to go about photo reference.我已成功获取其他值,例如图标和名称,但我不知道如何进行照片参考。 Looking at the api, you can see that it is embedded inside a 'Photos' array.查看 api,您可以看到它嵌入在“照片”数组中。

As all your Result doesn't have photos .由于您的所有Result都没有photos So you have to handle this.所以你必须处理这个。 Try like below:尝试如下:

List<NearbyPlaces.Result.Photos> photos = placeModels.get(i).getPhotos();
if(photos != null && !photos.isEmpty()) {
    String photoReference = photos.get(0).getPhotoReference();

    // Use photoReference here

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