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[英]Object based switch alternative in javascript

I tend to use expression like this these days:这些天我倾向于使用这样的表达方式:

{ typeA: 'some code' }[type] ||
{ typeB: 'some other code' }[type] ||

How do I fairly simple put multiple cases (something like:我如何相当简单地放置多个案例(例如:

switch (value)
   case typeA:
   case typeC:
      //do some stuff
   case typeB:
      //do some other stuff
       //default stuff

) in the code above? ) 在上面的代码中? So it could work this way ( invalid piece of code):所以它可以这样工作(无效的代码段):

{ typeA || typeC: 'some code' }[type] ||
{ typeB: 'some other code' }[type] ||

Backstory: I am utilising the code in React, so the 'some code' samples are actually React components.背景故事:我正在使用 React 中的代码,所以“一些代码”示例实际上是 React 组件。

You're halfway there already.你已经成功了一半。 Just combine your objects into a big one:只需将您的对象组合成一个大对象:

    return ({
        typeA: "Foo",
        typeB: "Bar",
        get typeC() {//why not getters?
            return "computed value"
    }[value]) || defaultValue;

I strongly recommend saving the case-object as a const or it'll re-allocate on every call.我强烈建议将 case-object 保存为 const ,否则它会在每次调用时重新分配。

This structure is suitable for values, but not conditional logic.这种结构适用于值,但不适用于条件逻辑。 If you need to execute different code on each case , you should either stick with switch , or make your object return functions:如果您需要在每种case执行不同的代码,您应该坚持使用switch ,或者让您的对象返回函数:

const Values = {
    caseA: () => { /*...*/ },
    caseB: () => { /*...*/ },
   // ...etc

//get value from Values and execute function

With this structure you don't get fall-through.使用这种结构,您不会落空。 If you want fall-through, stick with switch .如果你想要失败,坚持使用switch

Define your switch-like object:定义类似开关的对象:

const types = {
  typeA: 'some code',

Then call it:然后调用它:

types[type] || defaultType

You can also include the default value in the switch-lick object:您还可以在 switch-lick 对象中包含默认值:

const types= {
  typeA: 'some code',
  default: 'some code for default type',


types[type] || types.default

If you are using functions as values:如果您使用函数作为值:

(types[type] && types[type](args)) || types.default()

You could combine the objects into a single one, the first one at last, to keep the values from the first and take type as accessor.您可以将对象合并为一个,最后一个,以保留第一个中的值并将type作为访问器。

For using an alias, you need to specify a new property for it.要使用别名,您需要为其指定一个新属性。

result = { ...objectB, ...objectA, typeC: objectA.typeA }[type] || defaultValue;

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