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MySQL:一列/多行 group_concat 成多列,填充另一列的值

[英]MySQL: one column/multiple rows group_concat into multiple columns filled with values from another column

I've seen many answers to group_concat one column/multiple rows into multiple columns, but I cannot find how you populate the new columns with data from a second column.我已经看到许多关于 group_concat 一列/多行到多列的答案,但我找不到如何用第二列的数据填充新列。

My table of data looks like this:我的数据表如下所示:

first_name  doc_number  doc_status
a              1           new
a              2           new
b              3           pending
b              4           approved
c              5           new
c              6           approved
c              7           approved

This is the result I would like:这是我想要的结果:

first_name   doc_status_new   doc_status_pending   doc_status_approved
    a             1,2
    b                                3                      4
    c              5                                       6,7

This is the result I get:这是我得到的结果:

    first_name   doc_status_new   doc_status_pending   doc_status_approved
    a             1,2
    b                                3,4                      
    c             5,6,7                                      

Row 2 shouldn't have '3,4' in the same column.第 2 行不应在同一列中包含“3,4”。 And Row 3 shouldn't have "5,6,7" in the same column either.第 3 行也不应该在同一列中包含“5,6,7”。 I do not know how to get group_concat to only list the doc_number that is relevant to that 'where' statement only.我不知道如何让 group_concat 只列出与“where”语句相关的 doc_number。

This is the code I've used:这是我使用的代码:

case when doc_status = 'new' then group_concat(doc_number) end as doc_status_new,
case when doc_status = 'pending' then group_concat(doc_number) end as doc_status_pending,
case when doc_status = 'approved' then group_concat(doc_number) end as doc_status_approved
from table_name
group by first_name;

You probably need -你可能需要——

select first_name,
       group_concat(case when doc_status = 'new' then doc_number end) as doc_status_new,
       group_concat(case when doc_status = 'pending' then doc_number end) as doc_status_pending,
       group_concat(case when doc_status = 'approved' then doc_number end) as doc_status_approved
from table_name
group by first_name;

I think the better solution is using UNION, it is very fast, and using LIKE:我认为更好的解决方案是使用 UNION,它非常快,并且使用 LIKE:

(SELECT group_concat(doc_number) AS doc_status_new WHERE doc_status LIKE 'new')
(SELECT group_concat(doc_number) AS doc_status_pending WHERE doc_status LIKE 'pending')
(SELECT group_concat(doc_number) AS doc_status_approved WHERE doc_status LIKE 'approved')

I hope this help.我希望这会有所帮助。

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