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[英]Open leaflet marker popups from a link outside the map?

hope that someone with more experience can help me.希望有更多经验的人可以帮助我。 i have the following map我有以下地图

var map = L.map( 'map', {
  center: [48.865633, 2.321236],
  minZoom: 2,
  zoom: 13

L.tileLayer( 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
 attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
 subdomains: ['a','b','c']
}).addTo( map );

    position: 'bottomright'

var myURL = jQuery( 'script[src$="leaflet_openstreetmap_func.js"]' ).attr( 'src' ).replace( 'leaflet_openstreetmap_func.js', '' );

var myIcon = L.icon({
  iconUrl: myURL + '../img/pins/Marker.png',
  iconRetinaUrl: myURL + '../img/pins/Marker.png',
  iconSize: [30, 42],
  iconAnchor: [9, 21],
  popupAnchor: [7, -15]

var markerClusters = L.markerClusterGroup({
    polygonOptions: {
      opacity: 0,
      fillOpacity: 0

for ( var i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i )
  var popup =
          '<em>'+ markers[i].type_point +'</em>' +
          '<h3>'+ markers[i].name_point +'</h3>' +
        '<form action="http://maps.google.com/maps" method="get" target="_blank"><input name="saddr" value="'+ markers[i].get_directions_start_address +'" type="hidden"><input type="hidden" name="daddr" value="'+ markers[i].location_latitude +',' + markers[i].location_longitude +'"><button type="submit" value="Get directions" class="btn_infobox_get_directions">Get directions</button></form>';

  var m = L.marker( [markers[i].location_latitude, markers[i].location_longitude], {icon: myIcon} )
                  .bindPopup( popup );

  markerClusters.addLayer( m );

map.addLayer( markerClusters );

the data of each marker comes from another js like below每个标记的数据来自另一个 js,如下所示

var markers = [
    "name_point":"Name point",
    "type_point":"Type point",

i would like to open each popup from an external link,by id or name for example我想从外部链接打开每个弹出窗口,例如通过 ID 或名称

<a href="#0" id="marker_1">click</a>

could some one help me please?有人可以帮我吗?

Add a id parameter to your data:将 id 参数添加到您的数据中:

  var markers = [
    "name_point":"Name point",
    "type_point":"Type point",

You can get the id from a url.您可以从 url 获取 id。

function getParameterByName(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
    const regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
        results = regex.exec(location.search);
    return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

var POPUP_MARKER_ID = getParameterByName('markerid');

and then after adding the marker to the layer, you can open the popup, if it's the same id:然后在将标记添加到图层后,您可以打开弹出窗口,如果它是相同的 id:

  var m = L.marker( [markers[i].location_latitude, markers[i].location_longitude],{icon: myIcon})
                  .bindPopup( popup );
   markerClusters.addLayer( m );

    if(POPUP_MARKER_ID === markers[i].id){


if you want to open the popup from a link field on the same site you can loop through the layers.如果您想从同一站点上的链接字段打开弹出窗口,您可以循环浏览图层。

Working with all html elements:使用所有 html 元素:

<a class="openpopuplink" data-id="1" href="#">Marker 1</a>
<span class="openpopuplink" data-id="2">Marker 2</span>
//Link on the same page
var classname = document.getElementsByClassName("openpopuplink");

var openMarkerPopup = function() {
    var id = this.getAttribute("data-id");    
        if(layer.options.id && layer.options.id == id){

for (var i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) {
    classname[i].addEventListener('click', openMarkerPopup, false);

And on creating the markers you have to add the option id : var m = L.marker( [markers[i].location_latitude, markers[i].location_longitude],{id: markers[i].id,icon: myIcon}).bindPopup( popup );在创建标记时,您必须添加选项idvar m = L.marker( [markers[i].location_latitude, markers[i].location_longitude],{id: markers[i].id,icon: myIcon}).bindPopup( popup );

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/falkedesign/2uofevbq/示例: https : //jsfiddle.net/falkedesign/2uofevbq/


To show Popup in a MarkerclusterGroup, spiderfy the group and then show the popup;要在 MarkerclusterGroup 中显示 Popup,先对 group 进行爬网,然后再显示 popup;

if(layer.options.id && layer.options.id == id){
        if(!layer._icon) layer.__parent.spiderfy();
if(POPUP_MARKER_ID === markers[i].id){

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