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[英]TNSPING response time

I am connecting to a 12c database from my client machine using 12c oracle client.我正在使用 12c oracle 客户端从我的客户端计算机连接到 12c 数据库。 Below is my TNS entry.下面是我的 TNS 条目。

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = sesbexa3-scan2.exadata.ericsson.se)(PORT = 1521))
      (UR = A)

When i am doing the TNSPING from client machine to the database, i am getting the output as below.当我从客户端机器到数据库执行 TNSPING 时,我得到如下输出。

Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = sesbexa3-scan2.exadata.ericsson.se)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = PLMDEV1) (UR = A)))
OK (20 msec)
OK (0 msec)
OK (0 msec)
OK (10 msec)
OK (40 msec)
OK (0 msec)
OK (0 msec)
OK (0 msec)
OK (20 msec)
OK (0 msec)

Can some one explain me what is this 0ms, 10ms,20ms,40ms means?有人能解释一下这个 0ms、10ms、20ms、40ms 是什么意思吗? If it is the over all time taken for client to establish connection with database, why i see different response times?如果是客户端与数据库建立连接所花费的总时间,为什么我看到不同的响应时间? Will this cause any performance issues to my client (while establishing connection to the DB)?这会不会对我的客户端造成任何性能问题(在建立与数据库的连接时)?

Clear explanation in thedocs . 文档中的清晰解释。

... determines whether the listener for a service on an Oracle Net network can be reached successfully ... then it displays an estimate of the round trip time (in milliseconds) it takes to reach the Oracle Net service. ... 确定是否可以成功访问 Oracle Net 网络上的服务的侦听器 ... 然后显示到达 Oracle Net 服务所需的往返时间的估计值(以毫秒为单位)。


 - net_service_name must exist in tnsnames.ora file or the name service in use, such as NIS. - count determines how many times the program attempts to reach the server. This argument is optional.

No peformance issues in your posted test, but be aware:您发布的测试中没有性能问题,但请注意:

It does not actually determine whether or not the database itself is running .实际上并不确定数据库本身是否正在运行 Use SQL*Plus to attempt a connection to the database.使用 SQL*Plus 尝试连接到数据库。


TNSPING tests connectivity to a service / listener, not to a server , you can always try to check the listener log or restart it to check if that makes any difference. TNSPING 测试与服务/侦听器的连接,而不是与服务器的连接,您可以随时尝试检查侦听器日志或重新启动它以检查是否有任何区别。

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