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在 Netlify 上部署 Vue.js Okta 身份验证应用程序

[英]Deploy Vue.js Okta Authentication app on Netlify

I recently built a Vue.js application with Okta authentication.我最近使用 Okta 身份验证构建了一个 Vue.js 应用程序。 I am attempting to deploy this application on Netlify.我正在尝试在 Netlify 上部署此应用程序。 After setting up a new project in Netlify, I imported the Vue.js application into the Netlify project from GitHub.在 Netlify 中设置新项目后,我将 Vue.js 应用程序从 GitHub 导入到 Netlify 项目中。 I reconfigured the router in the application so that redirect_uri in the Okta initializer reflects the new Netlify URL:我在应用程序中重新配置了路由器,以便 Okta 初始值设定项中的redirect_uri反映新的 Netlify URL:

import Auth from "@okta/okta-vue";

Vue.use(Auth, {
  issuer: "https://xxx-xxxxxx.okta.com/oauth2/default",
  client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  redirect_uri: "https://xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx.netlify.com/implicit/callback",
  scope: "openid profile email"

After deploying the application and clicking the login button, I should be redirected to the default Okta login page.部署应用程序并单击登录按钮后,我应该被重定向到默认的 Okta 登录页面。 However, I am instead redirected to a page that says "page not found: Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on this site."但是,我被重定向到一个页面,上面写着“找不到页面:您似乎访问了一个损坏的链接或输入了一个在此站点上不存在的 URL”。

I even made sure to whitelist that URL in my Okta dashboard.我什至确保在我的 Okta 仪表板中将该 URL 列入白名单。 Any idea why Netlify doesn't recognize the new redirect_uri?知道为什么 Netlify 无法识别新的 redirect_uri 吗? Thanks!谢谢!

Since you're deploying a SPA, you need to route all routes to your index.html and let Vue handle them.由于您正在部署 SPA,您需要将所有路由路由到您的index.html并让 Vue 处理它们。

According to this article , you need to add a _redirects file to your publish directory with the following line to take advantage of browser history pushstate:根据这篇文章,您需要使用以下行将_redirects文件添加到您的publish目录,以利用浏览器历史推送状态:

/*    /index.html   200

For more info, see Netlify's docs .有关更多信息,请参阅Netlify 的文档

I solved the CORS issue.我解决了 CORS 问题。 In the Okta Dashboard, I added the redirecting URL as an original URL under API > Trusted Origins .在 Okta 仪表板中,我在API > Trusted Origins下添加了重定向 URL 作为原始 URL。 I selected Add Origin to specify the base URL of the website, then selected CORS.我选择Add Origin来指定网站的基本 URL,然后选择 CORS。 See : https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/CORS-error-when-accessing-Okta-APIs-from-front-end请参阅: https : //support.okta.com/help/s/article/CORS-error-when-accessing-Okta-APIs-from-front-end

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