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将“useCallback”用于回调引用时,您将如何正确设置 TypeScript 声明?

[英]How would you correctly set up a TypeScript declaration when using "useCallback" for a callback ref?

I'm working on a React + TypeScript project where I've pulled in the provided " How can I measure a DOM node? " example, but I don't seem to be able to get React's types to acknowledge a scenario where someone would be passing in the return value of useCallback as a ref .我正在开发一个 React + TypeScript 项目,我在其中引入了提供的“ 我如何测量 DOM 节点? ”示例,但我似乎无法让 React 的类型承认有人会将useCallback的返回值作为ref useCallback I've recreated a bare-bones usage of it in this CodeSandbox .我在这个 CodeSandbox 中重新创建了它的基本用法 If you open this you should see the TypeScript error indicator on this line:如果你打开它,你应该在这一行看到 TypeScript 错误指示器:

<div ref={ref} className="App">

How exactly should the types be set up to make this valid, or is there something missing in the @types/react package?究竟应该如何设置类型以使其有效,或者@types/react包中是否缺少某些内容?

First add null to the type of the node inside useCallback and add as const to the returned array which will type the returned array as a tuple(remember the order of types) instead of making it an array of multiple types首先在useCallback中的节点类型中添加null并将as const添加到返回的数组中,这会将返回的数组类型为元组(记住类型的顺序),而不是使其成为多种类型的数组

function useClientRect() {
  const [rect, setRect] = useState<ClientRect>();

  const ref = useCallback((node: HTMLElement | null) => {
    if (node !== null) {
  }, []);

  return [rect, ref] as const;

Set returning type for useClientRect hook to [ClientRect | undefined, (node: HTMLDivElement) => void]useClientRect钩子的返回类型设置为[ClientRect | undefined, (node: HTMLDivElement) => void] [ClientRect | undefined, (node: HTMLDivElement) => void] and change arguments type for useCallback to HTMLDivElement : [ClientRect | undefined, (node: HTMLDivElement) => void]并将useCallback参数类型useCallbackHTMLDivElement

// packages
import { useCallback, useState } from "react";

function useClientRect(): [
  ClientRect | undefined,
  (node: HTMLDivElement) => void
] {
  const [rect, setRect] = useState<ClientRect>();

  const ref = useCallback((node: HTMLDivElement) => {
    if (node !== null) {
  }, []);

  return [rect, ref];

export default useClientRect;

In your use-client-react you have passed ClientRect as a type which doesn't exist.在您的use-client-react您已将ClientRect作为不存在的类型传递。 The following works for me fine.以下对我来说很好。

import { useCallback, useState } from "react";

function useClientRect() {
  const [rect, setRect] = useState();

  const ref = useCallback((node: HTMLDivElement) => {
    if (node !== null) {
  }, []);

  return [rect, ref];

export default useClientRect;

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