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[英]ruby array with arrays how to get the array number when iterating over each of them and searching by number

if I get from params something like a 165. and this is number contains in array number 3 of 9. how to get this number of the array?如果我从 params 得到类似 165 的值。这是数组中第 3 个数组中包含的数字,共 9 个。如何获得数组的这个数字?

range = 50..450
cutter = range.last/50
b = range.each_slice(range.last/cutter).to_a

b #=> [[50, 51,..., 99],..., [400, 401,..., 450]]

How to get it?如何获得?

The array method you want is find_index .您想要的数组方法是find_index I think this will do what you want:我认为这会做你想做的:

b.find_index {|a| a.include?(165)}

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