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cout 新创建的对象抛出运行时错误

[英]cout newly created object throws runtime error

I'm currently learning c++ and i'm struggling with an example that our tutor provided.我目前正在学习 C++,我正在为我们的导师提供的一个例子而苦苦挣扎。 He's creating a new Object ("Strudel") and immediately outputs it.他正在创建一个新对象(“Strudel”)并立即输出它。


this creates a runtime error.这会产生运行时错误。

operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os,
/usr/...../include/c++/9/ostream:548:5: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'const _CharT *' against 'Strudel'
    operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, const _CharT* __s)

I'm also not sure if this even works.我也不确定这是否有效。 I haven't found a single tutorial that does it like that beside what we saw in class.除了我们在课堂上看到的内容之外,我还没有找到一个单独的教程可以做到这一点。


using namespace std;

    class Strudel{
            string Inhalt;

        Strudel(string x):Inhalt{x}{
                throw runtime_error("kein Name!");

    ostream& print(ostream & os){
        return os<<this->Inhalt<<"-Strudel";


    ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, Strudel &s){
        return s.print(os);

int main(){

    Strudel x{"Mohn"};

    return 0;

Strudel{"Nuss"} is a temporary value, these can't bind to non-const references (although visual studio erroneously allows you to). Strudel{"Nuss"}是一个临时值,它们不能绑定到非常量引用(尽管 visual studio 错误地允许您这样做)。

You need to correct the signature of your operator to take a const reference:您需要更正操作员的签名以获取 const 引用:

ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const Strudel &s){

You will then also need to mark print as const so that it can be called from a const reference:然后,您还需要将print标记为const ,以便可以从const引用中调用它:

ostream& print(ostream & os) const{

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