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获取语​​法错误:JSON.parse:JSON 数据第 1 行第 1 列的意外字符

[英]Fetch SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

I am working on a contact form and this error is stoping it from working... i might be overseeing something.我正在处理联系表格,但这个错误正在阻止它工作......我可能正在监督某事。 The funny part is that my code works if i use XMLHttpRequest instead of Fetch..有趣的是,如果我使用 XMLHttpRequest 而不是 Fetch,我的代码就可以工作。

When using Fetch if i don't request for a response it doesn't throw me any error but doesn't work either.. As you can see i am debugging the parameteres being passed, and they are ok.使用 Fetch 时,如果我不请求响应,它不会向我抛出任何错误,但也不起作用.. 如您所见,我正在调试传递的参数,它们没问题。


        /*var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

        xhr.addEventListener('load', () => {console.log(xhr.responseText)});

        xhr.open('POST', 'http://localhost:3002/index.php');

        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");

            method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify(this.state),
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                (response) => (response.json())).then((response)=>
                if (response.status === 'success')
                    alert("Message Sent."); 
                else if(response.status === 'fail')
                    alert("Message failed to send.")



And the response from php side:来自 php 端的响应:

                $sent = $mail->send();

                echo 'Message has been sent';

                if (isset($sent) && $sent === true) : ?> 
                    "status": "success",
                    "message": "Your data was successfully submitted"
                <?php endif;
            catch (Exception $e) 
                echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}";
        else if (!empty($errors)) : ?> 
            "status": "fail",
            "error":  <?php echo json_encode($errors) ?>
        <?php endif;
    async function handleSubmit(e) {

    const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3002/index.php", {
        method: 'POST', // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
        cache: 'no-cache', // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
        credentials: 'same-origin', // include, *same-origin, omit
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        body: JSON.stringify(this.state) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
    if (response.status === 'success')
        alert("Message Sent.");
    else if(response.status === 'fail')
        alert("Message failed to send.")

Also have look at using_fetch也看看using_fetch


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