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Cordova Javascript QR 扫描仪插件不适用于 Android (cordova-plugin-qrscanner)

[英]Cordova Javascript QR Scanner Plugin not working on Android (cordova-plugin-qrscanner)

I followed the documentation here .我按照文档here

The code under function 'qrPrep()' below runs.下面函数 'qrPrep()' 下的代码运行。 However, the 'qrScan01' function does not work.但是,“qrScan01”功能不起作用。 That's the function that should show the camera to scan the code.这是应该显示相机扫描代码的功能。

Calling this from HTML as;从 HTML 调用它作为;

<button onclick="qrPrep();">QR Prepare</button>
<button onclick="qrScan01();">QR Scan</button>
<button onclick="qrShow();">QR Show</button>

This doesn't work as intended:这不能按预期工作:

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

function qrPrep() {
    //alert ('Button Clicked.');
    window.QRScanner.prepare(onDone); // show the prompt
    function onDone(err, status) {
        if (err) {
            // here we can handle errors and clean up any loose ends.
        if (status.authorized) {
            // W00t, you have camera access and the scanner is initialized.
            // QRscanner.show() should feel very fast.
            alert('Authorized.'); //This works.
        } else if (status.denied) {
            // The video preview will remain black, and scanning is disabled. We can
            // try to ask the user to change their mind, but we'll have to send them
            // to their device settings with `QRScanner.openSettings()`.
        } else {
            // we didn't get permission, but we didn't get permanently denied. (On
            // Android, a denial isn't permanent unless the user checks the "Don't
            // ask again" box.) We can ask again at the next relevant opportunity.
            alert('Not permanently denied.');

function qrScan01() {
    console.log("Button clicked.");
    QRScanner.scan(displayContents); //this does not work
    //Also tried window.QRScanner - doesn't work either.

    function displayContents(err, text) {
        if (err) {
            // an error occurred, or the scan was canceled (error code `6`)
            console.log('error', err);
            alert('An error occurred.');
        } else {
            // The scan completed, display the contents of the QR code:
            console.log('text', text);

function qrShow() {
    QRScanner.show(function(status) {
        console.log(status); //this only shows status like authorized: true etc.

Here is the LOGCAT output.这是 LOGCAT 输出。 Looks like Camera is starting, but the app screen crashes and navigates back to /index.html:看起来相机正在启动,但应用程序屏幕崩溃并导航回 /index.html:

D/CameraPreview: resume()
D/CameraInstance: Opening camera
D/CameraInstance: Configuring camera
I/CameraManager: Camera Display Orientation: 90
I/CameraManager: Initial camera parameters: preview-size=1920x1080;video-size=1920x1080;preferred-preview-size-for-video=1920x1080;
I/CameraConfiguration: Requesting focus mode value from among: [auto]
I/CameraConfiguration: Supported focus mode values: [infinity, auto, macro, continuous-video, continuous-picture]
I/CameraConfiguration: Can set focus mode to: auto
I/CameraConfiguration: Focus mode already set to auto
I/CameraConfiguration: Requesting flash mode value from among: [off]
I/CameraConfiguration: Supported flash mode values: [off, auto, on, torch, red-eye]
I/CameraConfiguration: Can set flash mode to: off
I/CameraConfiguration: Flash mode already set to off
I/PreviewScalingStrategy: Viewfinder size: 2621x1440
I/PreviewScalingStrategy: Preview in order of preference: [1920x1080, 1920x960, 1920x1440, 1280x720, 1600x1200, 1280x768, 1280x960,
I/CameraManager: Final camera parameters: video-size=1920x1080;preferred-preview-size-for-video=1920x1080;preview-size-values=1920x
I/CenterCropStrategy: Preview: 1080x1920; Scaled: 1474x2621; Want: 1440x2621
I/CameraPreview: Starting preview
D/CameraInstance: Starting preview
D/JsMessageQueue: Set native->JS mode to null
D/CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html?)

In my company, we implemented a QR scanner using the Barcode Scanner Plugin for PhoneGap .在我的公司,我们使用PhoneGapBarcode Scanner Plugin实现了一个 QR 扫描器。 It handles several kinds of scan codes, including QR codes, and for our purposes it seemed much easier to handle than the official cordova plugin.它处理多种扫描码,包括 QR 码,就我们而言,它似乎比官方的cordova 插件更容易处理。

You can use it the following way (all code examples adapted from documentation):您可以通过以下方式使用它(所有代码示例均改编自文档):


  "name": "your-app",
  "dependencies": {
    "@ionic-native/barcode-scanner": "^5.19.1",
    "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": "^8.1.0",
  "cordova": {
    "plugins": {
      "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": {}

app.module.ts app.module.ts

import {BarcodeScanner} from '@ionic-native/barcode-scanner/ngx';

    declarations: [AppComponent],
    entryComponents: [...],
    imports: [...],
    providers: [
        QrService,  // an example service to handle QR codes; can also be omitted
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

qr.service.ts (an example service) qr.service.ts (一个示例服务)

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { from, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BarcodeScanner, BarcodeScanResult } from '@ionic-native/barcode-scanner/ngx';

    providedIn: 'root'
export class QrService {

    constructor(private barcodeScanner: BarcodeScanner) { }

    getQrCode$(): Observable<any> {
        return from(this.barcodeScanner.scan())
                map((data: BarcodeScanResult) => {
                    const barCodeData = JSON.parse(data.text);
                    return barCodeData;

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