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std::functional 中的 C++ 可变参数函数模板

[英]C++ variadic function template in std::functional

basically I want to integrate a multi-dimensional integral with this recursion.基本上我想将多维积分与此递归集成。
But the problem itself is a general one.但问题本身是一个普遍问题。 It's not specific for integration.它不是特定于集成的。

#include "math.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

double f(double x,double y,double z){
    return x+y+z+1;

double redDim(std::function<double(double)> &f){
    return f(0); //a silly integrator for testing
// Recursion
template<typename Tfirst=double, typename... Trest>
auto redDim(std::function<double(Tfirst first,Trest... rest)> &f){
    return redDim([=](Trest... R){return redDim([=](double x){return f(x,R...);});});

int main(){
    return 0;

The problem is, compiler says:问题是,编译器说:

c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp: In function 'int main()':
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:24:19: error: no matching function for call to 'redDim(double (&)(double, double, double))'
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:12:8: note: candidate: 'double redDim(std::function<double(double)>&)'
 double redDim(std::function<double(double)> &f){
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:12:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'double(double, double, double)' to 'std::function<double(double)>&'
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:17:6: note: candidate: 'template<class Tfirst, class ... Trest> auto redDim(std::function<double(Tfirst, Trest ...)>&)'
 auto redDim(std::function<double(Tfirst first,Trest... rest)> &f){
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:17:6: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
c:\C++\templateTutorial\templateTut.cpp:24:19: note:   mismatched types 'std::function<double(Tfirst, Trest ...)>' and 'double(double, double, double)'
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

So why is the type of f not matching the requirements of redDim() ?那么为什么f的类型不符合redDim()的要求呢?
Thus I can't even test, if my method works.因此,我什至无法测试,如果我的方法有效。
I hope you could help me!我希望你能帮助我!

A function pointer is not a std::function .函数指针不是std::function

Template argument deduction does not do any type conversions, other than a few to-base cases.模板参数推导不做任何类型转换,除了一些 to-base 情况。

Add a redim( double(*f)(Args...) ) template that calls the std function one.添加一个调用 std 函数 one 的redim( double(*f)(Args...) )模板。

auto redDim( double(*f)(Args...) {
  return redDim( std::function<double(Args...)>{ f } );

and it should work.它应该工作。

This can deduce the signature of the function pointer.这可以推导出函数指针的签名。 It then explicitly converts to a std::function , which then matches your other redim functions.然后它显式转换为std::function ,然后匹配您的其他redim函数。

You do have to explicitly convert your other lambdas to std::function s:您必须将其他 lambda 显式转换为std::function

// Recursion
template<typename Tfirst, typename... Trest>
auto redDim(std::function<double(Tfirst first,Trest... rest)> f){
  return redDim(
      [=](Trest... R){
        return redDim(
            [=](double x){return f(x,R...);}

Live example .活生生的例子

Also change the argument for the last redDim to std::function<double(double)> (not a reference). redDim最后一个redDim的参数更改为std::function<double(double)> (不是参考)。 Alternatively, a const& .或者,一个const&

Based on Yakk - Adam Nevraumont's answer, the following code should compile:基于 Yakk - Adam Nevraumont 的回答,应该编译以下代码:

#include "math.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

double f(double x,double y,double z){
    return x+y+z+1;

double redDim(const std::function<double(double)> &f){
    return f(0); //a silly integrator for testing
// Recursion
template<typename Tfirst=double, typename... Trest>
auto redDim(const std::function<double(Tfirst first,Trest... rest)> &f) {

    return redDim(
        [=](Trest... R)->double{return redDim([=](double x){return f(x,R...);});}});

auto redDim( double(*f)(Args...)) {
  return redDim( std::function<double(Args...)>{ f } );

int main(){
    return 0;

As Yakk already pointed out, std::function and a function pointer don't have the same type.正如 Yakk 已经指出的那样, std::function和函数指针没有相同的类型。 Please note that I've also changed the argument type of redDim to const std::function<...> &) .请注意,我还将redDim的参数类型redDimconst std::function<...> &) You could also pass rvalue references using the && syntax.您还可以使用&&语法传递rvalue引用。

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