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[英]19C upgrade + framework 4.6.2

I have two applications developed in C# .NET framework 4.6.2 that attacks against an Oracle 10g Database, now planning to upgrade the database to an Oracle 19c.我有两个在 C# .NET 框架 4.6.2 中开发的应用程序,它们攻击 Oracle 10g 数据库,现在计划将数据库升级到 Oracle 19c。 One of the applications is a web application and the other is a desktop application.其中一个应用程序是 Web 应用程序,另一个是桌面应用程序。 At this moment I am using Oracle.DataAccess.dll and it is working properly.此时我正在使用 Oracle.DataAccess.dll 并且它工作正常。 Will my applications keep working properly after the upgrade or should I recompile my applications with another dll?升级后我的应用程序会继续正常工作还是应该使用另一个 dll 重新编译我的应用程序? Or what other configurations required for C# application?或者 C# 应用程序还需要哪些其他配置?

What version of Oracle.DataAccess are you using?您使用的是什么版本的 Oracle.DataAccess? The answer depends on it.答案取决于它。 Are you getting the ODP.NET driver via NuGet?您是否通过 NuGet 获取 ODP.NET 驱动程序?

In theory a client should be able to connect to a 19 database.理论上 客户端应该能够连接到 19 数据库。

Personally, I would ensure that the client driver is at least of version 12.2.就个人而言,我会确保客户端驱动程序至少为 12.2 版。


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