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[英]I need to add style to action button in adaptive card

I am using Adaptive Card 1.2 to be displayed on MS Teams.我正在使用 Adaptive Card 1.2 显示在 MS Teams 上。 I want to style the action button but not able to do do.我想设置动作按钮的样式,但无法做到。

subCard.Actions = new List<AdaptiveAction>() {
    new AdaptiveSubmitAction {
        Title = "Ok",
        DataJson = "{ \"Type\": \"response_feedback\" }",

From my testing, it seems like Style is not implemented in Teams, at least not at the moment.从我的测试来看,似乎 Style 没有在 Teams 中实现,至少目前没有。 By the way, you can use App Studio to test this - there's a tab there called "card editor" where you can create card JSON, see a preview, and even send it to yourself.顺便说一下,您可以使用 App Studio 进行测试 - 那里有一个名为“卡片编辑器”的选项卡,您可以在其中创建卡片 JSON、查看预览,甚至将其发送给自己。

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