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在 URL 中使用自动登录令牌的 iOS 深层链接

[英]iOS Deep Linking with Auto Login Token in the URL

I am new to deep linking in iOS and I am trying to make sign-in work with a magic link.我是 iOS 中深层链接的新手,我正在尝试使用魔术链接进行登录。

The links that the users would receive in their email inbox would be something like this:用户将在其电子邮件收件箱中收到的链接如下所示:

https://subdomain.domain.com/?autoLogin=XXXX...XXXX https://subdomain.domain.com/?autoLogin=XXXX...XXXX

I want to extract the auto login token and make sure when users click into this link, it takes the user directly to the app.我想提取自动登录令牌并确保当用户单击此链接时,它会将用户直接带到应用程序。

What path should I put in the apple-app-site-association file?我应该在apple-app-site-association文件中放入什么路径?

Currently I have /?autoLogin= and it's not working.目前我有/?autoLogin=并且它不起作用。

In your URL, ?autoLogin= is a query item and not part of the path.在您的 URL 中, ?autoLogin=是一个查询项,而不是路径的一部分。

In your apple-app-site-association you should just need to set the path to / .在您的apple-app-site-association您只需要将路径设置为/ The ? ? is messing it up since it's used to match any single character in the string.搞砸了,因为它用于匹配字符串中的任何单个字符。

If you want to have a specific path, you'll have to update your url to something like https://subdomain.domain.com/autoLogin?token=XXXX...XXXX , then you could add /autoLogin to apple-app-site-association .如果您想拥有特定路径,则必须将您的网址更新为https://subdomain.domain.com/autoLogin?token=XXXX...XXXX ,然后您可以将/autoLogin添加到apple-app-site-association

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